Effectively Addressing Immorality - Part One

The members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee are very well aware that their silk embroideries are far less likely to survive for many centuries into the future than the already-ancient remains of ceramic arts.

Natural textiles are far more fragile than porcelain in archaeological and climatological terms.

Ultraviolet light damages fabric, paper, skin and other delicate surfaces. 

And visible light can also cause damage, as can heat and moisture.

Dyes fade.

Skin wrinkles.

Paper crumbles.

Threads disintegrate.

What have you made over the past few years, and why?

Where have you been over the past few years, and why? 

What have you discovered over the past few years, and how?

The white mulberry tree reaches old age in a similar length of time to humans.  

In tree-terms the white mulberry is a short-lived species.

What do you know about mulberry trees in general and white mulberries in particular?

How urgently and effectively have you been addressing immorality over the past few weeks, and where, and why, and what have you been wearing whilst doing so?



How do you know when you are playing the part of a character and/or authority figure rather than your private self as an individual human being?

Perhaps you are regarded by most people, including your own family members as an authority figure and/or character.

Perhaps much of your life is lived as a performing art, filling roles to which you may or may not be suited.

Perhaps your life is much the same way as following the instructions in a needlepoint kit.

How do your values relate to your intellectual curiosity?

How do your values relate to your emotions?

How do your values relate to your goals?

Perhaps you are happy simply to fit in and follow the rules set for you by other people.

Perhaps other people even purchase needlepoint kits and/or jigsaw puzzles for you to fill in, without offering you the chance to choose the picture, and level of difficulty, for yourself.

How do you know whether you have goals and intentions of your own?

How, if at all, do your intentions relate to your goals, and why?

How do your intentions relate to your values, and why?

How do your intentions relate to your emotions? 

How have you reflected upon your intentions, goals, values and emotions over the past few weeks?


How do you know when your knowledge of a subject, including a person or a practice, happens to be minimal, or even nonexistent?

What, for example, do you know about the domestic silk moth?

What do you know about slow and rapid plant movements?

What do you know about slow and rapid musical expressions?

What do you know about slow and rapid political movements?

How do you know when your awareness of political goals is minimal?

How do you know when your awareness of political goals is substantial?

What, if any, are your own political goals and how and why did they arise?

Perhaps you are still unaware of the differences between political goals and other types of goals, with or without the use of embroidery hoops and frames.

What is your acquaintance with the structure of the future, and how did you acquire that acquaintance?

Perhaps you imagine the future in geometrical or monetary terms rather than ecologically. 

You may regard the white mulberry mainly as a weed and as an allergen if it has become a nuisance in your local area.

You may regard the domestic silk moth as an ugly creature at various stages of its life cycle.

You may regard machine embroidery as ugly when compared with hand embroidery.

What, though, do you regard as beautiful, and why?

When, if ever, have you transformed an ugly situation into something beautiful?

If your values are appropriately democratic, and therefore quite beautiful in political terms, you are probably quite appreciative of the work conducted through the gentle mission of the Secular Order of the Perpetual Wait.

The members of the Order expect all possible postulants to possess proper patience and appropriate postulates whilst awaiting assessment for prospective membership of the Order.

When you are waiting for something beautiful or otherwise wonderful to happen in your life, how do you prefer to spend the time?

How do you assess promises, including political promises?

How do you know when you have been double-crossed?

And how do you prevent yourself from being gullible?

What do you know about the shaping of beauty, fragility and practicality through science, commerce and creativity?

Perhaps you are aware of the ethereal work of Josiah Wedgwood in this digital vicinity, or not, as the case be.

What have been the most beneficial aspects of your experiences of the Adelaidezone over the past twelve years or so. and for whom?

If there have been any detrimental aspects, what were the causes and consequences, and who was responsible, and how do you know?  

Perhaps you are aware of the ethereal work of Giuseppina Grassini in this digital vicinity, or not, as the case may be.

How do you attempt to use your voice for good in the world and/or for beauty in the world and/or truth in the world?



Please be aware that the Adelaidezone is not an empire.  Nor is it particularly empirical.  It is mainly digital and therefore quite likely to be mostly ephemeral.

What do you know about the influence of arts and crafts, and artists and artisans, on politics and politicians?

What do you know about the influence of artists and artisans on the ideas and tastes expressed by royalty and/or through democracy? 

What are the influences on you, and why?

How do you know you have never been influenced by disinformation?

If you regard yourself as a caring sort of person, perhaps you care about maintaining your future access to the Adelaidezone.  You may possibly even wish to assist other people's future access, including to the future itself.

Queen Adelaide is often to be virtually found with a little charitable handicraft project in hand, whether indoors or outdoors, in this part of the Internet.
Her Majesty is particularly interested in becoming better informed about your awareness of history, the appropriateness of your manners and the dignity of your attire.

Are you aware of all the tertiary and quaternary educational services, temporarily provided to ordinary members of the global public from the Adelaidezone, at various times over the past twelve years, free of charge?

There are no longer any free services available for ordinary members of the public from the Adelaidezone.  There are only free services for real world leaders, particularly those appropriately registered as patrons of enlightenment. 

Perhaps you are not particularly interested in sewing in silk.  Perhaps you prefer wool or cotton or linen or metallic thread or even artificial materials.

If you would like to contribute to the work of the Twaklin Trust, whether by providing funds or pro bono assistance or by donating in another way, please make a suitable offer soon. 

Perhaps you are seeking offer a sample of your goldwork embroidery, or even cloth of gold, but what good will that do?

Every offering to the Twaklin Trust must first involve an explanation of the good that offering is intended to do.

The sources of each offering must also be carefully described and explained.

What do you know about the activities of various patrons within and from the Adelaidezone and how did you acquire that information?

Most educational and training services associated with the Adelaidezone are quaternary, not tertiary or quinary.

There are no primary or secondary education and training services in the Adelaidezone. 

How have you attempted to advance your own education and training, and for what purposes, and who has assisted you, and how? 

When do you think you will be suitably ready to begin the quinary level of enlightenment?


How do you define immorality, and what are the reasons behind that definition?

Regardless of your talents, or lack of them, if you are genuinely seeking to join the Secular Order of the Perpetual Wait, you may already have your name on a waiting list for an upcoming course at the Adelaidezone College of Needle's Eye.

Most people are now required to wait one hundred and fifty years for access to the philanthropic services provided in and from the Adelaidezone.

Exceptions are occasionally made for exceptional members of the public.

What, if anything, is exceptional about you, and where is your proof? 

What do you intend to offer to the ordinary, moral public in one hundred and fifty years from now, and why?

How have you compared your skills with those of Queen Adelaide, Josiah Wedgwood and Giuseppina Grassini?

Time has run out for ordinary members of the public to become appropriately registered as patrons in relation to the vast majority of Adelaidezone cultural institutions.

Timeliness is especially important in this part of the Internet.

Perhaps you are not aware that investing in peacefully authentic living is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone.

Children are not permitted to attend this part of the digital sphere unattended or inadequately trained or otherwise ill prepared. 

Unfortunately, most adults do not take their supervisory responsibilities seriously and sensibly enough, including towards each other.

How do you tell the difference between appropriate supervision, inadequate supervision and intrusive snooping?

Perhaps you are not aware that investing in thorough assessments is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone. 

Perhaps you are merely one of the many ordinary tourists in the Adelaidezone rather than a real leader.

Perhaps you do not even know how to define the qualities of a real leader.

What is your acquaintance with espionage?

How do you prevent people from obstructing, or otherwise harming, your philanthropic work, your artistic work, and your political activities?


Who has already assessed your appropriateness for the quaternary educational and training services provided from Frugality Cottage, and how?

Who has been assessing you elsewhere in terms of appropriateness, and how have you responded?

How do you usually define appropriateness in relation to morality?

Who guides your approach to composing definitions?

Perhaps you are not aware that investing in elegant egalitarianism is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone.

If you have been contemplating your patronage possibilities during your experiences of quaternary education and training within the Adelaidezone, those experiences will, in themselves, have been investments in authentic, enlightened, elegantly egalitarian living.

Perhaps, alternatively, you are still not aware that investing in enlightened philanthropy is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone, even in Frugality Cottage.

Perhaps you only regard the future in terms of time rather than in terms of locations.

Events happen in places, including in minds.

What is your acquaintance with the EverTime?

You may, perhaps, think of your experiences of the Adelaidezone as similar to a coming-of-age novel, yet true maturity does not happen during late adolescence or even early adulthood.  It occurs through the experience of making difficult decisions as life progresses, through to middle age and on towards the end of mortal existence.

How, then, are you investing in magnificent maturity through your readings and through your life experiences?

If you have attained access to various virtual cultural institutions in the Adelaidezone in the past, you may be feeling nostalgic at present, especially if further access is currently denied to you.   

Perhaps you are not yet aware that investing in the quality analysis of events is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone. 
How do you establish priorities in relation to events worthy of your assessment?
How do you select the events to assess?
Virtual retreats in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter are experiences associated with the art of truth and the truth of art.
Perhaps you feel you have been forced to retreat from the world too much over the past two years.

But when, if ever, have you experienced a retreat of your own choosing, to your own liking, and intended for the improvement of your leadership?

Perhaps you are not yet aware that the good is good because it is good.

Perhaps you do not yet regard the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee as good. 

Perhaps you do not yet regard the Secular Order of the Perpetual Wait as good.

Perhaps you do not yet even regard Twaklin as good.

But how do you decide who and what are good and who and what are not?

Perhaps you usually address morals and other values contextually.

How do you prefer to dress when you retreat from the world, whether by choice or by circumstances?

How are you expected to dress in other situations, and upon whose authority, and through whose time, money and other resources?

Anyone encouraging unreasonable behaviours is unlikely to become, or remain, an appropriate patron of the work within Frugality Cottage, or anywhere else in the better parts of the Adelaidezone.

How do you know when a geographical or digital district is relatively good and/or relatively safe and/or relatively healthy?

How do you know when a location is otherwise?

Perhaps you are not yet aware that investing in evidence is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone.

How would you describe the cultural practices with which you already have at least a little acquaintance?

What are your intentions with a view to investing in trustworthy collaborations in the near future, and where, and why, and with whom?

What is your acquaintance with embroidery thread

What is your acquaintance with the history of spinning and weaving and needlework and sericulture

When did you first learn about those subjects, in theory and in practice?

What do you know about spin in terms of quantum mechanics?

What do you know about spin in terms of classical mechanics?

What have you read about preventing the current global emergencies from arising, and when, and what did you do in response? 

Why have well-informed scientists so often failed to prevent ill-informed people from destroying lives, livelihoods and societies? 

Perhaps you are not yet aware that investing in social research is essentially associated with the Adelaidezone. 

How do you tell the difference between ceremonial activities and other activities?

What do you know about the politics associated with ceremonies, of any sort?

What do you know about silk paintings and silk ceremonies?

What do you know about the history of embroidery, including needlepoint and couching?

What do you know about sabotage and subterfuge and how to prevent them?

What is your acquaintance with Pauline Bonaparte?

How do her family experiences, and political experiences, compare with your own? 

How do you attempt to distinguish between family experiences and political experiences?



How do you know whether the way of life you currently practice is compatible with the climate you currently experience and the one(s) you are likely to experience in the future?

What do you know about mosaics and stele and glass and ceramics and vitreous enamel and jewellery and weaponry?

What do you know about language and writing and speaking and singing and painting and epigraphy?

What do you know about counterintelligence?

If you are unfamiliar with the practice of analytics, it involves the assessment of information not only to identify past patterns but ongoing ones, and possible future trends.

How does your art interpret the past and present?

How does your art imagine the future?

You may recall that the ordinary public can no longer access most areas of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, including most of the cultural institutions within it.
Whether future access will be granted to ordinary persons, individually or collectively, is beyond the current knowledge of any member of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee. 

From whose point of view do you usually attempt to assess the future, and why?
The Adelaidezone is, in fact, entirely private yet some areas are temporarily communal, through appropriate collaboration.
Some areas of the Adelaidezone have occasionally even been open to the ordinary digital public.
You are experiencing one of the latter examples now, in the virtual library of Frugality Cottage.

When have you most carefully followed the instructions in a needlepoint kit or recipe book or a rehearsal?
When have you been in a situation where the apparent instructions have been vague or absent or otherwise confusing?
You may feel as though you are in such a situation now.
You may or may not usually consider your time in libraries to be associated with well-informed investing.
You may or may not usually consider your time in museums, art galleries and archives to be associated with well-informed investing.
You may or may not usually consider your time in painting circles or sewing circles or spinning circles to be associated with well-informed investing.

You are currently experiencing an information service and an education service.  

You may or may not find these services entertaining or even useful to you.

You are receiving them as an expression of philanthropy. 

You may or may not wish to reciprocate.

Have you already explored the patronage possibilities associated with the Adelaidezone, particularly within Frugality Cottage? 

Patrons have a lovely range of volunteering options, once they have completed the prerequisite training.  They may then learn more about the cottage and the activities within it, in various ways.

Most of the opportunities for quaternary learning are for appropriately registered patrons only.  

All mortal members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee are appropriately registered patrons and appropriately political philanthropists.

There are many ways to improve the world, whether from the Frugality Cottage library or elsewhere. 

How carefully and productively have you been investing in awareness over the past twelve years, and how do you know?

Much well-informed kindness has long been provided to courteous visitors throughout the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, including in the less visited parts.  

Perhaps you have not shown sufficient courtesy. 

You may not have reciprocated the kindness shown to you.

Your rudeness may have been regarded as a considerable problem by the volunteers and residents and distinguished guests.

Or perhaps you take practical steps every day to create a well-informed and kind society, wherever you happen to be, instead of expecting other people to do so on your behalf. 

You may even believe you are adequately familiar with the future in relation to the EverTime, and vice versa. 

What have you discovered about plans and planets and plains and planes and explanations in relation to Frugality Cottage?

What, for example, do you know about the relationship between intelligent frugality, liminality and amazingly successful planning?

Perhaps you believe you are already capable of investing in amazingly successful planning?

How do you tell whether and when an improvement is necessary and possibly quite urgent?

Hubris is unfortunately common. It is especially common when self-importance thrives at the expense of marginalised persons, impoverished communities and threatened species. 

If you are responsible for supervising staff and/or volunteers and/or children and/or politicians and/or financial advisors, how does your approach to supervision help to prevent suffering? 

Most people are considerably ignorant, even about their own intentions, their habits and their biases.

Diligent persons observe their surroundings, and their own thoughts and feelings, as accurately as possible.

They sensitively observe the human inhabitants of their surroundings, and the thoughts and feelings of those persons.

They also attempt to understand the needs of other species in their local vicinity. 

What do you know about the process of making silk

What do you know about the history of the Silk Road?

What do you know about ancient evidence of the silk trade?

What do you know about Samite?

What do you know about vestments?

How have you been investing in importantly useful information and how have you been communicating that information, and to whom? 

What do you know about the career of Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, and how have you acquired that information?

What is your acquaintance with the career of Marie-Guillemine Benoist, and how did you attain that knowledge?

How do you usually assess careers, and lives, and relationships?



You are probably aware that rushing to complete a task rarely leads to satisfactory outcomes.  It may lead to errors and even injuries, or worse.

Yet time is of the essence whenever urgency arises.

Perhaps you would rather dance in an Etruscan sort of way. 

What do you know about the colour red and its history?

What do you know about the Etruscans and Etruria?

What do you know about the influence of Etruria on Josiah Wedgwood?

How do you assess fashions in ceramics, performing arts and clothing?

How do you assess the arts more generally? 

What do you know about pictorial representations of Dante Alighieri?

What do you know about The Red and the Black by Stendhal

What do you know about the REDress Project?

What do you know about other political art projects?

What do you know about the fragility of lives, and systems, and societies?

What do you know about double agents and the Double-Cross System?

What do you know about The Humours of an Election by William Hogarth?

How do you judge societies, and people, and works of art and 'art' and why?

What is your awareness of the work of James Gillray?

What do you know about satin weave, plain weave and twill weave?

What do you now about satin stitch?

What do you know about the Field of the Cloth of Gold?

What do you know about Incroyables and Merveilleuses?

Addressing traumatic experiences and various injustices can take various forms.

How, if at all, are you attempting to contribute to the second Age of Enlightenment?

What do you know about the Profile Portrait of a Young Lady of 1465?

What do you know about wild silk?

What do you know about the international Red Dress embroidery project?

What do you know about embroidery artisans in various parts of the world?

How do you assess the relationships you regard as friendships?

How do you assess the relationships through which you express your philanthropy?
