
The word agenda derives from the Latin agendus, meaning to be done or made or driven.

A single agenda item, in English, is not usually described as an agendum, even by excessively pedantic or otherwise annoying persons.

How do you currently organise your day, your week, your year and your longer-term activities, whether pedantically or otherwise?

How did you do so in the past?

How will you do so in the future?

What have been the obstacles to your agenda at various times of your life, and how did you attempt to overcome them?

Perhaps your daily organising is conducted with the assistance of documents, devices and possibly even human assistants and/or other creatures.

How do you know you proceed with your agenda with prudence and fidelity?

When do you prefer to update your personal agenda, and why?

How could you manage your time better, and what prevents you from doing so?

How could you organise information better, and what prevents you from doing so?

Prudence is associated with caution and preparedness.  It is the opposite of recklessness.

Fidelity is associated with a sense of duty in terms of commitment, loyalty and/or faithfulness.

Whose agenda are you currently serving, and why?

How do you address conflicts of interest and incompatible obligations?

How do you address hypocrisy, hubris, incompetence, corruption, indifference and cognitive dissonance?

How orderly is your approach to addressing problems, and how do you know?

What is order, from your point of view?

What do you believe it means to organise appropriately?

How do you know your approach to organisation and orderliness is neither inadequate nor excessive?

You may associate agendas mainly with the conduct of meetings rather than with the arrangement of objects for aesthetic purposes.

How do you assess the purpose of any human interaction, whether in person or otherwise?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has a very clear sense of purpose.

How do you assess your own intentions, your expectations, your sense of purpose, your sense of values, your sense of belonging, your sense of place, your aesthetic sense and your common sense?

Every meeting of the committee has a very clear agenda.

The minutes record each meeting as it occurs.

Each meeting begins with an official announcement that the minutes of the previous meeting have been acknowledged by the Council of Enlightenment to be a suitably accurate and comprehensive record, as necessary for the purposes required.

Earlier drafts of the minutes, the associated, verbatim texts, any associated audio and/or visual recordings, as well as copies of other relevant documents, are subsequently placed in the archives of the Council of Enlightenment.

Throughout each meeting of the committee, the associated, draft minutes are examined, critiqued and modified as necessary to ensure they, and the associated decisions, are free of biases.

The official agenda of the meeting is examined, assessed and modified as necessary, throughout each meeting, too.

The agenda records the most important decision-making processes at the meeting, from the point of view of the Council of Enlightenment.

The official diary of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is examined, assessed and modified by the committee, as necessary, throughout each meeting.

The diary records proposed future action by the committee, in accordance with the delegated duties required by the Council of Enlightenment. 

Each member of the committee also maintains a personal diary.

The personal diaries record daily, personal experiences associated with expressing the committee's political agenda on behalf of the Council of Enlightenment. 

The personal diaries also record the proposed, future, personal and collective actions of the associated committee member.

What do you usually record in your personal diary, and any other diary you maintain?

What have been your experiences of meetings, minutes, collective problem solving and collective decision-making processes?

What have been your experiences relating to the development and implementation of agendas, whether during meetings or during other occasions?

While the Council of Enlightenment acts as a board of directors and board of governors, the committee acts mostly as a sitting committee on behalf of the board rather than as a standing committee.

The history of the committee, like the history of the Council of Enlightenment, is longstanding.

If you regard yourself as an upstanding sort of person, regardless of your bodily position at any particular moment, how do you know you have an enlightened agenda and the ability to carry it out with integrity?

Perhaps you are seeking to help the committee to carry out its agenda, in one part of the world or another, or even in every part of the world.

If so, what have been your previous experiences of steering committees and steering groups?

What have been your previous experiences in establishing goals and schedules?

What have been your previous experiences regarding the development and implementation of plans to help you meet goals on time and within the available budget?

What do you know about the principles of the committee?

Of course, the committee continues to have many questions for you to answer with the required urgency.

There are many important deadlines to meet if death is not to win the battle against science too easily.

Death always wins in the end, of course, yet science sometimes has the ability to delay that inevitability.  

The Council of Enlightenment is on the side of justice.  Science is meant to assist justice though it has often assisted death unjustly.

Governing any dangerous situation appropriately requires the adequate management of risks.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been assessing risks as carefully as possible during its meetings, and between meetings.

How do you usually assess the ongoing activities of Minerva and the Muses?

How do you usually prepare for sunrise and sunset, midday and midnight, summer and winter, and other such occasions?

How do you usually assess the ongoing activities of Pluto, Hades, Plutus, Orcus and DÄ«s Pater?

How do you usually assess the ongoing activities of Persephone and Proserpina?

How do you usually compare personifications and their scientific and philosophical equivalents?

The purpose of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, as you are frequently reminded, is to help you make the world a much better place than it would be without you.

How can you be sure you are on the side of justice and science?

How can you be sure you are not on the side of unjust misery and untimely death?

How do you know you are doing your best to slow down death without increasing, or otherwise contributing to, suffering in the world?

How do you usually assess the ongoing activities of Demeter, Ceres and Cybele?

How do you usually assess the abduction of Persephone by Hades?

How do you usually assess intentions more generally?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee spends much of its meeting time attempting to comprehend your intentions in relation to its work in the world of mortals.

How do you intend to contribute to that objective, and when? 

How do you know your assessments of situations are appropriately objective?

In all their practices, the committee members attempt to remain to the point.

Such focus is especially necessary during meetings.

An agenda should never be pointless.

Keeping to the point is an important rule to follow at all times if time and other resources are to be managed wisely.

How have you contributed to the development and implementation of legislative acts to help you make the world a much better place than it would be without you?

Which privileges do you usually express when attending committee meetings, and why?

What do you know about the privileges associated with the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

What, and who, has attempted to prevent you from ensuring the rule of law is not unjustly on the side of death?

How do you attempt to ensure science is always on the same side as justice? 

All the goals of the committee have intrinsic value

The methods for reaching those goals are both intrinsic and instrumental in value.

The rules and other procedures followed by the committee are intended to ensure the agenda maintains a suitable focus on purposefulness.

Yet the effort to arrange the agenda for each, regular meeting of the committee has not yet included your adequate contributions.

How, then, do you intend to help the committee plan ahead?

How have you attempted to prevent anyone from having undue influence on your political agenda?

How can you be sure no-one has been preventing you from implementing your moral duties with due diligence?

What have been your experiences of boats, ships, states, chariots, horses, fools, wagons, organisations and possibly even conferences, in the direction you intend?

What is your acquaintance with responsible government, at least in theory?

Which maps do you usually take with you when attending committee meetings and other events, and why?

Which plans and guides do you usually take with you when attending committee meetings and other events, and why?

You may already be acquainted with the business of the committee's meetings.

You may know something about parliamentary procedure

Procedures, in any situation, are meant to regulate, whether during formal meetings or in other circumstances.

Suitable procedures ensure safety and civility can be maintained.

In view of the above, procedural problems must be improved through the careful assessment of the causes, followed by the timely implementation of appropriate remedies.

The Council of Enlightenment forms its tentative decisions at noon each day mainly on the basis of findings by various committees and individual investigators.

Those tentative decisions are then published in a gazette at the end of each day so that a wider public can assess the decisions each evening and help to improve upon them as quickly as necessary.

Lazy and otherwise corrupt governments would rather ignore the causes of problems.  The members of such governments have no interest in implementing appropriate remedies, or even discovering them.

To whom are you accountable, and why?

Who is accountable to you, and why?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee takes the form of a virtual assembly through which to act whenever individual acts fail to encourage a suitable political agenda from being followed, particularly by governments.

Most people have never experienced truly responsible government in practice, hence the problems facing the world.

Corrupt governments are irresponsible and therefore lack legitimacy.

Members of those governments are often aggressive.  They regard reasonable questions about their responsibilities as unjust, personal attacks. 

They do not wish to be held accountable for their failures as legislators and regulators.  They are far more interested in practicing authoritarian control through bullying than in acting wisely as servants of society.

They may believe they understand the ethical and scientific basis of freedom of assembly and freedom from disease in terms of public health, yet they do not usually express an informed understanding of freedom of association, including towards their former colleagues and other non-colleagues.

The Spirit of Enlightenment sometimes attends the meetings of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee in persons.  You may be seeking to do likewise.

What have been your experiences as a chairperson, particularly whilst sitting on a chair or another type of object?

The Council of Enlightenment is a deliberative assembly.  It reports to the Spirit of Enlightenment and to the virtual residents of the Adelaidezone.

What have been your experiences as a reporter, of any variety?

What have been your experiences as a guide, of any variety?

You are most welcome to learn more about the committee, its political agenda, its meeting practices, its collaborative efforts, its triumphs and its disappointments.

How do you attempt to respond when one political agenda is at odds with another?

With whom do you prefer to collaborate to thwart an agenda at odds with your own?

What do you know about legally binding agreements and non-binding resolutions?

Perhaps you regard the political agenda of the committee as at odds with your own political agenda.

How have you assessed the culture of the committee in comparison with your own?

What is your image of the world, and why?

How do you compare one type of motion with another?

How do you compare one type of emotion with another?

What is your acquaintance with preambles and resolutions of various sorts?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee and the Council of Enlightenment do not follow Robert's Rules of Order.  They follow Twaklin's Rules of Courtesy.

You may already be familiar with courtesy resolutions.

You may also be familiar with parliamentary authority.

You may be acquainted with the etiquette expected to be followed within a dignified digital parlour or virtual sitting room or palatial throne room.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been commissioned by the Council of Enlightenment, with permission from the Spirit of Enlightenment, to encourage your contributions to the improvement of governance, including societal governance, corporate governance and self governance.

What is your acquaintance with Agenda 21 and Agenda 30?

What do you know about the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?

What do you know about the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response?

What do you know about information governance and data governance?

What do you know about clinical governance

How do you identify and assess patterns?

How do you compare one idea with another and another

What do you know about governance frameworks?

You may be seeking to assist the members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee more attentively than you have in the past.

How advanced is your quaternary education at present?

What have been your contributions to the governance of higher education at the quaternary level?

What have you been learning about cultural governance, and how, and why, and where?

What do you know about the Agenda 21 for culture?  

There is much to compare and consider in relation to one circumstance and another and another and another and another and another and another and another?

How do you attempt to combine governance with risk management and compliance

The committee is deeply concerned that you are insufficiently self-disciplined.

The committee is also deeply concerned that you fail to manage risks sufficiently well.

Yet you have not yet signed a contract stating your willingness to comply with the wishes of the Spirit of Enlightenment.

Perhaps you do not understand your duties well enough yet in terms of necessary compliance, including regulatory compliance and moral compliance.

The committee always acts with appropriate bluntness.

You are expected to be able to distinguish clearly between summer and winter, day and night, dawn and dusk, midday and midnight, storms and calmness.

What is your acquaintance with United Cities and Local Governments?

What is your acquaintance with the failures of national governments in terms of  security sector governance and reform, environmental governance, and market governance mechanisms?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee hopes you have respect for accurate records.

The committee also hopes you have adequate respect for the committee's patrons

How can you prove you have accurate respect for the science of climatology?

How can you prove you have accurate respect for the science of immunology?

How can you prove you have accurate respect for the science of oceanography?

What do you know about ocean governance and climate governance?

What do you know about the governance of projects and the management of projects?

The Council of Enlightenment has ongoing governance responsibilities.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has ongoing management responsibilities.

Who, then, should be responsible for various projects?

How do you distinguish between short-term tasks and long-term orderliness?

What do you know about network governance?

What do you know about earth systems governance and the Earth System Governance Project?

How are you contributing to global governance?

Perhaps you regard the questions here as rather confronting.

Perhaps you regard the images here as confronting, or confusing.

You may even feel that way in relation to circles, cycles, spirals and feedback loops.

What do you know about technology governance?

What do you know about soil governance

What do you know about combining environmental, social and corporate governance in terms of public policy and the common good?

How do you distinguish between one type of need and another.

How do you distinguish between one type of needle and another?

Perhaps you are afraid of all sorts of needles.

Perhaps you are afraid of all sorts of needs.

What do you know about appropriately informed, mutual consent in various contexts?

What do you know about abuse in various contexts?

What do you know about vulnerability in various contexts?

How do you attempt to improve local cultures, including local manners, local prosperity and local governments?

What do you know about the oligarchy of the Republic of Venice and similar governing structures today?

What do you know about the Cinquecento and Seicento in Venice?

How do you compare the works of Paolo Veronese with other artists?

How do you assess colour and light and history and mythology and propaganda?

You are likely to be aware that people are dyeing still, and dying still, in various unpleasant ways.

How is your agenda associated with movements, including social movements, art movements, political movements, religious movements, and various forms of travel?

What do you know about the history of chariots and spoked wheels?

What do you know about the 19th century symbolist artist Gustave Moreau

What do you know about the Twelve Olympian gods?

Perhaps you are acquainted with artworks by Joseph Heintz the Elder and Joseph Heintz the Younger and the times and places in which they lived.

What influences your imagination?

What influences your choices of attire?

As dressing appropriately when addressing weather-related problems is important for any real world leader, outward appearances should always convey the seriousness of agenda items.

What do you know about the Trecento in Florence and the Triumphs of Petrarch?

How do you prefer to convey your views about love, chastity, death, fame, time and eternity?

If you have been paying attention properly, what has the agenda of the committee taught you about yourself?

Perhaps you will mention this agenda during your future experiences of meetings, whether in person or online or in other ways.

Perhaps you think the agenda contains too many riddles, mysteries, allegories and other hidden meanings.

Perhaps you are aware that economies are stimulated through meeting real needs and fake needs through the transfer of fake money.

Fake needs and fake money have no real value.

Real needs are valuable because they help people to become more aware of their mortality.

How have you assessed the flax of the matter?

What is your acquaintance with stele including the Dream Stele between the paws of the Great Sphinx on the Giza Plateau

What is your acquaintance with the Greek Sphinx?

What has Oedipus taught you about disasters?

There is much to learn about democracy and the revolution, as you may have already discovered.

How do you know you are interpreting events accurately?

How do you know you are capable even of comparing one painting with another?

How do you know you have enough in common with Minerva?
