Welcome to the Committee

The Ladies Waldegrave and I are preparing for the future to the best of our abilities, as are all ethereal members of the committee.  We are, of course, doing so by demonstrating our skills and other accomplishments.

I am Madame Adélaïde, by the way.  I hope you are well.  There is much work to do.

Do you know much about tying nots, untangling knots and knowing what not to do?

Are you acquainted with knots as units of measurement?

Accurate measurements are very important to the committee, as are all other forms of accuracy.

Are you suitably accomplished in climatological needlepoint, Archimedean point and knot theory?

Are you appropriately acquainted with knot gardens, endless knots, Celtic knots, Chinese knots and Solomon's knot?

Are you familiar with interlacing and lace making but not necessarily tight lacing?

Please make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Are you capable to learning new information with accuracy and precision

I do hope you are capable of distinguishing between climatology and political sociology sufficiently well whilst simultaneously informing your ever-improving understanding of both subjects through the other.

You will therefore be expected to do so through examining attitudes about the Other.

Do you regard future generations as the Other?

Do you regard past generations as the Other?

Do you regard most people as the Other even if they happen to be currently in the world of mortals? 

What is your understanding of history, particularly regarding revolutions?

Perhaps you mainly associate revolutions with the rotational winding skeins of silk, wool or linen onto cards or bobbins.

Perhaps you mainly associate revolutions with the banging of tambourines and the firing of cannons rather than the delicate production of tambour lace.

The committee has maintained a careful roster of duties since 14 July 1789, as I am sure you will be well aware by now.

What is your understanding of Latin?

I regard etymology as a most amusing subject.  For example, the English word revolution and the French word révolution are both associated with the Latin word revolvo, which apparently has the opposite meaning.

What is your acquaintance with various languages?

Do you usually associate revolutions with cycles or with linear experiences?

Have you thought much about the causes and consequences of social revolutions, and economic ones?

Have you acquainted yourself properly with network theory, systems theory and value theory as well as knot theory?

Of course, the committee ensures its members do not take too much notice of superseded scientific theories, the delusions of pseudoscholarship, pseudoscientific silliness, conspiracy theories and the pathetic and tragic denial of facts.  We must all focus our attention on the identification of trustworthiness.

Perhaps you regard me as an unreliable narrator, even if you are familiar with the history of aether theories and the Michelson-Morley experiment.

How can you prove yourself to be more reliable, and trustworthy, than myself and the Ladies Waldegrave?

Unlike light, enlightenment cannot travel in or through a vacuum

Are you socially luminiferous and somewhat ethereal in the digital sphere, and in the physical atmosphere of the peculiar planet you mortally inhabit?

You may be aware than mechanical systems are often described as machines

The committee often makes use of computational machines in its artistic, scientific, social and political practices in the 21st century.

What is your acquaintance with social systems and political systems?

I do hope you are adequately acquainted with embroidery techniques and the scientific method.

How have you most recently attempted to stitch together a hypothesis of climate politics?

Have you tried doing so with machine learning or through gaining a better understanding of the mechanics of political machines, or both, or neither?

How have you attempted to improve your understanding of climate as a complex network?

How have you attempted to improve your understanding of political corruption as a complex network?

The Ladies Waldegrave and I do not regard ourselves as revolting, though we do our best to ensure we are elegantly reformist in perpetuity.

Do your social interactions have a community structure

Do you take much notice of geophysics and biochemistry in your assessments of durability, sustainability and civility?

I have been wondering which stitches you prefer to use whilst practicing Archimedean point.

You may, for example, have particular tastes within a product of purportedly enlightened architecture, especially if there to discuss the prevalence of cognitive biases in political and architectural contexts.

What is your acquaintance with the history of special relativity

How do you usually prefer to examine patterns?

What is your acquaintance with telecommunications?

How do you usually prefer to examine climatological teleconnections?

How do you usually contribute to the improvement of public policy and other policy contexts, and how do you measure that improvement?

The committee works closely with the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Council of Enlightenment.  Indeed, the Spirit of Enlightenment continues to be the president and patron of our digital presence.

Are you an advocate and/or practitioner of public interest journalism?

If so, how do you usually ensure the educational, artistic, scientific and political work of the committee is reported upon appropriately?

We have no time for hypocrites here.

Digital information about the committee has been available online since at least 2009, as you will know if you have long been a member of the global Mozarty Party.

How do you usually attempt to contribute to political pleasantness in the public interest, and where?

What are your usual contributions to enlightened patronage in relation to education, the arts, the sciences, and towards political improvement through better journalism?

What have you already contributed to the world's most respectable endowment fund, whether financially, scientifically or politically?

Perhaps you would rather read a grimoire than scientific predictions about a grim future, with or without assistance from the brothers Grimm.

What have been your contributions to civility today and Civility Today?

Addressing climatological evidence, and other scientific evidence, with appropriate civility is, of course, an essential prerequisite for participation in our committee.

That is why a proper acquaintance with historical evidence is also necessary.

How do you assess statistical significance and historical significance?

If you are an Australian citizen, you statistically and historically have a significantly more important duty regarding climate politics than most other persons.  Indeed, most other persons would prefer not to be regarded as the Other in relation to your self-indulgent practices.

The ethereal leaders of the Global Mozarty Party, in accordance with highly esteemed advice from the Council of Enlightenment, suggest you immediately join the Civility Party of Australia as an indication of your willingness to upgrade your leadership status as necessary.

An urgent priority, both locally and globally, is climatological civility by Australians.

Perhaps you regard that requirement as revolutionary in itself.
