Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part T

How do you tell the difference between a party, a pot of tea and a polity?

What do you know about sovereignty, sovereigns and sovereign states?

What do you know about climate change in relation to the national interest of various societies?

How have you informed yourself about the human brain and human sense perception?

What do you know about the ability or inability to perceive colours?

What is your acquaintance with quantum technology?

What have you discovered through quantum nanoscience?

What do you know about national security?

How have you informed yourself about the properties of crystals?

How do you usually assess the properties of natural substances, natural persons, fictitious persons, fictional characters and unnatural substances?

What do you know about radicals in chemistry and politics?

You may be wondering why you have been presented with the above questions, particularly if you are urgently addressing immorality and do not have much time to acquire apparently unrelated information.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee frequently seeks to acquire potentially useful collaborations.  Such collaborations usually require particular knowledge outside the expertise to be found within the committee itself.

The members of the committee obviously have considerable expertise regarding revolutions, climatology, needlepoint and committee work, yet most of their collective expertise relates to philosophical subjects.

What is your expertise in relation to ethics, epistemology, aesthetics and metaphysics?

The committee also has considerable, combined expertise relating to political philosophy, political philanthropy, economic enlightenment and historical curiosities.

How does your morality relate to your curiosity?

How does your inquisitiveness relate to your immorality?

What does investing in curiosity mean to you, and why?

What do you know about investing in knowledge, and how do you know it?

How have you been investing in fun recently, and why?

Where have you been investing in peace, if anywhere?

How, if at all, have you been investing in good relationships, and how do you know?

With whom have you most recently been investing in thoughtful discussions, and in which context?

When do you know you are investing in appropriate priorities, and when are you aware of not doing so?

When have you known you have been investing in enlightened philanthropy, and when have you discovered you have not been doing so?

How carefully have you been investing in social research, and where is your proof?

How truthfully and beautifully are you currently investing in conservation, and what do you believe you know about the naturally valuable and the culturally valuable?

Where have you been investing in enlightened beings, and with which knowledge to assist that investment process? 

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee certainly requires all its official collaborators to be suitably attentive and suitably communicative, at least when not sleeping or meditating or otherwise attending to urgent, personal needs.

How attentively have you been investing in the experience of art over the past few years, and for what reasons?

How conscientiously have you been investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility, and how do you know?

What do you know about investing in quaternary possibilities, and how have you acquired that knowledge?

Where has your curiosity been taking you today, and why?

How do you distinguish between exquisite inquisitiveness and meddlesome interference?

When, if ever, have you been accused of being a gossip?

What is your acquaintance with the Old English word firwitt, and how did you acquire that acquaintance?

Perhaps you mistake firwitt for a vulgar term in modern English indicative of annoyance.

You may wish to learn more about the psychology and history of gossip, curiosity, fictional characters, fictitious persons, sovereign states, polities, climate change, crystals, quantum technologies, national security, tea, tea parties, political parties, and the national interest.

Perhaps you wish to learn more about psychology and history more generally, particularly in terms of the development of morality in personal and political terms.

What level of moral development have you so far acquired personally, and how do you know?

Perhaps you do not usually regard morality as having any relevance in political terms.

What is your acquaintance with the various meanings of the word currency, and how do you interpret those meanings in various situations?

How do you prefer to use the word exquisite, and when?

If you believe the colour centre in your brain is working sufficiently well, how have you been interpreting the images presented here?

Image One 

Image Two

Image Three

Image Four

Image Five

Image Six

Image Seven

Image Eight

Image Nine

Image Ten

Perhaps you are more interested in following your curiosity elsewhere, possibly like a cat.

Perhaps you are more interested in quantum nanoscience and F-centres in crystals.

Perhaps you are quite interested in free radicals in chemistry and/or radical politics of various sorts, possibly including historical radicalism.

You may be mostly interested in the folklore of myths and legends, and the interpretations of such stories through the visual arts and literature and the performing arts.

You may be mostly interested in purchasing novelty items and/or playing with sock puppets of one sort or another.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is keen to know the truth about you, but not in an immorally intrusive or at all deceptive way.

How are you currently investing money, and for what purpose?

How have you been investing in awareness over the past few weeks? 

What is your current approach to investing in structure?

What is your preferred approach to investing in pleasant independence?

How are you investing in purposeful reviews regarding morality and immorality?

Perhaps you have been collecting political bric-à-brac to display in a physical or digital curio cabinet or ministerial cabinet or to store in a satirical sock drawer.

There are very few political collectables of any value.  Most of either fads or job lots or remaindered stock.

What do you regard as suitable items for a political cabinet of curiosities in the 21st century?

How are you investing in amazingly successful planning, and how morally or immorality are you doing so?

What have you discovered of most importance when investing in enlightened productivity?

What advice do you usually give to anyone keen to be involved in investing in better governments?

What do you know about the ancient Roman Curia and how do you compare it with the Curia of the Catholic Church?

What do you know about the medieval royal council in England and France?

What do you know about the smells associated with ancient witches?

What do you know about WikiWitches?

What do you know about Wikipedia witch hunts and the mutual necessity for civility?

What do you know about medieval female sexuality and Victorian morality and women in the Victorian era.

Which other images here have you been assessing?

Image Eleven

Image Twelve

Image Thirteen

Image Fourteen

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been working very hard indeed at COP26, as you can imagine, at least if you have an imagination.

The destiny of the world is still at stake.  

Powerless humans and powerless other species cannot respond to fossil fuel pollution effectively. 

A love potion will not do the trick.

And trickery will not do the trick.

The carbon blanket is already suffocatingly hot in many parts of the world, including the Arctic and Antarctic. 

There is inadequate ventilation in the atmosphere, anywhere.

Most buildings are inadequately ventilated and inadequately insulated.

The tropics are frequently terrifying for the inhabitants, with or without the appropriate rule of law and appropriately designed buildings and appropriately reasonable governments.

There continues to be inadequate, and inadequately sustainable, clean water in the tropics and subtropics to help cool thirsty people, thirsty animals and thirsty plants.

There are few politicians of any credibility, anywhere.

The global economy, in its current form, is stimulated mainly be envy, not by need.  

The most envious people are already wealthy, or pretend to be wealthy, and they want more and more and more.

Selfish politicians, most of whom do the bidding of the wealthy, fail to distinguish between experiences of jealousy and desires for justice.  They equate complaints about structural inequality with expressions of envy by the non-wealthy.

If you are a journalist, how often have you sought to interview a representative of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, and how successfully?

Even if you are not (yet) a journalists, how are you investing in quality journalism at present, and for what reasons?

How are you especially contributing to a climate for better reporting?

One of the most easily identifiable signs of corruption is when a politician excuses terrible decisions by saying the result with create jobs or save jobs or otherwise support jobs.

Journalists rarely question politicians properly about their thought-terminating clichés and blatantly hypocritical slogans. 

Without necessary questioning, and reasonable answers, there is no political accountability, and therefore no real democracy.

Why are you currently investing in the Adelaidezone with your time and attention?

Perhaps you have not wished to give your time and attention to events in Glasgow over the past ten days or so.

Street protests often either make no difference, or they make reactionaries more determined to continue as before.

And when corrupt politicians want something for their cronies, nothing and no-one is permitted to stand in the way. 

When, if ever, have you been treated as though you are nothing and no-one?

Who is involved in determining your future, and why?

Image Fifteen

Image Sixteen

Image Seventeen

Image Eighteen

Image Nineteen

Image Twenty 

Urgently addressing immorality appropriately is courageous.

Real courage has nothing to do with attempting to be impressive.  It is about telling the truth about a distressing situation when relatively powerful people would prefer that truth to be hidden.

Real courage is about attempting to hold relatively powerful people to account for their cruelty.

Real courage is only present when freedom has been temporarily or permanently lost.

Too much hypocrisy, hubris and rudeness exist within most organisations.

There are too many clashes of values, opinions and personalities.

Not enough is done within the organisations to resolve those problems.

Too little effort is made to learn from the past, and from nature.

The people paid the most money to solve particular problems are obviously meant to be the most accountable when those problems are not solved, whether those people work on behalf of charities, businesses, governments, universities or any other organisations. 

How is it possible to overcome the problems caused by human stupidity when stupid people elect and protect people like themselves and admire the arrogant and greedy?

How have you been supporting, or seeking to support, the work of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

And why does the committee still have so little influence in the world?



The current emergency situation facing life on Earth will continue to be inadequately addressed by self-serving people in positions of political and financial power. They will cling to power for their own deluded benefit.

Such people have no real concern about the suffering in the world. They are unwilling, and possibly even unable, to do anything to prevent innocent people, and other species, from becoming victims of gullibility, ignorance, stupidity and cruelty.

Indeed, greedy, cruel people encourage the exploitation of vulnerable individuals and groups.  They may even exploit the most vulnerable family members of people regarded as celebrities or politicians or otherwise in positions of privilege. 

There is certainly no point in investing in charlatans and other arrogant persons.

The only motive of greedy, cruel people is personal gratification.

Many wealthy charlatans claim to be philanthropists.  Yet donating money to 'charity' does not compensate for previous greed and cruelty.   

Gullible people often believe charlatans. They therefore believe that charlatans are not charlatans at all.

What do you believe, and why?

Who do you believe, and why?



Much fake enthusiasm is expressed by charlatans.

Much real enthusiasm is expressed by the gullible.

The lazy prefer to express apathy. 

How do you prefer to express yourself, and why?

How genuinely do you express yourself, and how do you know?

Perhaps you are afraid to express yourself authentically.

Perhaps you would like to express yourself in a particular way yet you are afraid that other people will attempt to harm you for doing so.

How does your creativity intertwine with your mental health?

How does your perception of history influence your mental health?

How does politics influence your mental health? 

How are you investing in the very best mental health

How does your self-discipline intertwin513px-Beguiling_of_Merline with your mental health?

How have you assessed your political duties?

How do those duties relate to your mental health?

How do they relate to other people's mental health?

Self-discipline begins by being aware of unreasonable pressures to conform and perform.  It then involves politely opposing those pressures and refusing to comply with them.

Ambitious extroverts are often lonely. They hide their loneliness by attracting attention to themselves at whichever social gatherings are available to them.

If they gain political power, they become even lonelier, no matter how many 'friends' they believe they collect along the way.

If they gain financial power, they use it mainly to attract attention to themselves in an effort to 'win' admirers and influential 'friends'.

Perhaps you do not regard yourself as an ambitious extrovert.

What, then, are you?

And who are you, really and truly?

Perhaps you are more interested in learning about the images here than in learning more about yourself.

Image Twenty-One

Image Twenty-Two

Image Twenty-Three

Image Twenty-Four

Image Twenty-Five 

Image Twenty-Six 

Image Twenty-Seven

Image Twenty-Eight

Image Twenty-Nine

Perhaps you are more interested in learning why the images are presented here.

But why do you deserve to receive such insights? 

How do you know when a story, a character or an individual captures the public imagination?

Image One represents Morgan le Fay.  What do you know about the image?  What do you know about the character

Image Two interprets the Salem witch trials

Image Three represents Vivian, the Lady of the Lake.  What do you know about the image?

Image Four represents Danaë, from Greek mythology.  What do you know about the image, and other images of the subject?

Image Five represents Medea, also from Greek mythology.  What do you know about the character?

Image Six has been interpreted in various ways.  Does it depict a biblical narrative, a philosopher in meditation, or another type of wise old man stereotype, or does it represent something else entirely?

Image Seven portrays Elizabeth Inchbald, the actress, novelist, playwright and radical.

Image Eight portrays John Philip Kemble as Macbeth and his sister, Sarah Siddons, as Lady Macbeth.

Image Nine attempts to portray Sarah Siddons as herself.

Image Ten portrays Sarah Siddons as The Tragic Muse.

Image Eleven represents the medieval celebrity and royal mistress, Rosamund Clifford

Image Twelve represents the moment Eleanor of Aquitaine is claimed to have confronted Rosamund Clifford.

Image Thirteen represents Eleanor on her way to confront Rosamond.

Image Fourteen depicts the character of Isolda/Isolde/Ysoude/Iseult with a love potion.

Image Fifteen represents destiny but apparently indicates support for a war.

Image Sixteen depicts a scene from Tristan and Iseult, the chivalric romance.

Image Seventeen depicts the same theme.

Image Eighteen depicts Iseult/Isolde.

Image Nineteen represents Gottfried von Strassburg, a famous medieval author. 

Image Twenty depicts the act of gazing into a crystal ball.

Image Twenty-One represents Wolfram von Eschenbach, a famous medieval knight and poet.

Image Twenty-Two shows the first page of a manuscript of the Nibelungenlied, from around the year 1230.  What do you know about Germanic heroic legends and how do you compare them with similar legends from other cultures?

Image Twenty-Three is of a facsimile page from the Red Book of Hergest, part of the Welsh Triads

Image Twenty-Four depicts Morgan le Fay.

Image Twenty-Five depicts Morgan le Fay.

Image Twenty-Six depicts Tristan and Isolde in an apparently passionate embrace.

Image Twenty-Seven is of Malvina Garrigues Schnorr von Carolsfeld in her role as the first Isolde in Richard Wagner's opera Tristan and Isolde.

Image Twenty-Eight is of The Beguiling of Merlin.

Image Twenty-Nine is of Morgan le Fay.

The final image is of Isolde.
