Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part N

Urgently addressing immorality is certainly not a simple matter of offering platitudes, comments, compliments, advice, or even donations. It is an active process of ongoing support towards achieving societal and global goals of immense, ongoing value.

Maintaining adequate privacy during the process is essential, as any real leader will be well aware.

Keeping away from the gutter end of the media is absolutely necessary in every circumstance.

How do you plan workshops, whether for the purpose of education or creativity or both or neither?

How do you plan projects, and or what purposes?

Perhaps you regard workshops as projects rather than as part of an ongoing experience of improvement.

How do you plan and prepare for the tasks ahead of you each day?

When do you reflect upon the problems remaining from one day to another?

How do you usually plan and prepare for your visits to potentially enlightening locations?

Perhaps you mainly experience life as though you are primarily a tourist.

Good planning is dependent upon accurate comparisons.

Bullies gain and maintain power by claiming to uphold law and order while actually undermining justice.

Egotists become megalomaniacs by treating all opponents and critics as enemies.  They do nothing to address structural inequality and polluted environments.

Physical structures, digital structures and societal structures are patterns.  They may or may not necessarily reflect patterns in nature.  They may or may not reflect justice.  

Social structures may not necessarily be associated with particularly formal or observable patterns but those patterns do exist.

What are your cultural preferences and how do you know they are reflective of your true self? 

What is your philanthropy policy?

How have you been investing in structure over the past few months, and where, and why?

Where have you been investing money, and why?

How healthy or otherwise are your personal finances at present, and how do you know?

One of the best ways to invest money is by not spending it unnecessarily.

All bad investments are a form of expenditure.

Why are you investing time learning about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee and its work?

What are you currently seeking to know about the committee?



As you have apparently not yet answered the important questions here adequately well, that indicates you do not yet have an appropriate sense of priorities. 

How can you prove you are adequately able to distinguish between the quaternary, the Quaternary and the quotidian?

How well do you believe yourself to be investing in quaternary possibilities, and for whose benefit? 

What do you know about sustainable development?

What do you know about patterns in ecologically sustainable development and ecological collapse?

How do you place value on scarcity?

How do you place value on abundance?

How do you know you have been investing in a sensible approach towards sustainability?

If you are sure you are investing in a healthy imagination, where is your evidence?

Do you usually associate the dependable with the productive or are you more interested in productive surprises?

Do you often associate productivity with exhaustion? 

Perhaps you are exhausted by important questions.

Perhaps you gain productively creative insights whilst daydreaming or dawdling or doodling. 

Where and how do you gain scientific insights and historical insights?

What do you know about resource depletion?

How do you usually assess power in relation to productivity and unproductive practices?

How do you usually assess decisions in relation to improvements in productivity and reductions in productivity?

How do you usually assess productivity in relation to creativity?

How productively do you contribute to peace in the world?  

How do you distinguish between real productivity and fake productivity?

How do you assess productivity in terms of ecology?

How do you assess productivity in terms of climatology?

How do you assess extinction events?

How do you usually measure productivity in terms of conservation and heritage? 

Do you usually associate productivity with a healthy place to live, and even merely with a healthy place in which to think for a while?

Do you have faith in science?

Do you trust scientists? 

Structures provide the foundations upon which systems, policies, procedures, protocols, principles, practicalities and problem-solving processes are bases.

What do you know about the structure of your brain?

How has your socialisation shaped your mind, and your brain

How do you attempt to reflect upon the meaning of difference?   

What do you know about the structure of the Earth?

How carefully do your reviews currently take teleology and controversy into consideration when assessing problems?

If you have been investing in peace, how purposefully have you reviewed those investments?

If you have been investing in peacefully authentic living, how purposefully have you attempted to assess your authenticity?
