
You may already be aware of at least a few of the practicalities associated with the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee:


What are the practicalities associated with your sense of purpose?

Perhaps you associate practicality with feasibility.

What are you attempting to achieve?

Attempts at practical solutions to problems should always be to the point, of course.



Perhaps you do not associate the acquisition of achievements with solving problems, particularly problems of gigantic proportions.



Perhaps you are happy with small-scale achievements, like surviving from day to day, or even from hour to hour.

Perhaps you are happy being a little person, whether in political terms or biological ones.

What is your acquaintance with largeness and smallness in various contexts?

What do you regard as the most purposeful pursuit of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

Are you sure you have something important to contribute to the committee?

If not, why are you reading this information?

The main purpose of the committee's work, of course, is to help you make the world a much better place than it would be without you.

How do you identify the purpose of anything, including this documentation about the committee and its work?

What do you know about gigantism in humans?

If you are unusually tall, who makes your clothes?

Whether you are tall or otherwise, what is your acquaintance with Trijntje Keever?

What do you know about island gigantism and deep-sea gigantism and dodos and the titan arum and megafauna and the largest organisms?

What is your acquaintance with Lilliput and Blefuscu?

What do you know about the career of Ustad Mansur?

What do you know about diplomacy and commerce during the Ming treasure journeys?

What do you know about giants in folklore and mythology?

What do you know about big business?

How do you interpret the meaning of Nephilim?

What do you know about Little Eichmanns?

Perhaps you regard yourself as an insignificant cog in a big, nasty machine.  Yet you are not insignificant if you are paid to be there.  You are immoral.  You would rather take the money and ignore the nastiness.  Perhaps you are cowardly as well as greedy.

How do you define cowardice?

How do you define greed?

How do you define bullying?

In any nasty organisation, of any size, bullying is likely to be normalised.

Power is a giant whether it is used gently or otherwise.

Regardless of whether power is held by an individual or by a group, how has responsibility been expressed in various situations you have experienced or witnessed?

How has accountability measured, and by whom, and for what purpose?

With whom do you usually discuss such matters, and for what purpose?

Perhaps you are a practitioner of moral disengagement.

Perhaps you are emotionally exhausted by the cognitive dissonance you experience on a daily basis.

Perhaps you practice a little purported charity from time to time to make you feel better about yourself.

Or perhaps you join big protests or sign big petitions or follow whatever else seems to be ephemerally popular.

Public opinion is often a mindless crowd, following a noisy procession towards a fake promise.  The bigger the crowd, the bigger the promise, and bigger the deception.

Keeping the public ignorant of the truth benefits the powerful.

Courage is not about following orders or following fads and traditions.  It is about pointing out when actions and intentions are wrong.  It is about addressing bully and other unreasonableness.  It is about speaking truth to power.

What do you know about the immorality of superpowers?

What do you know about the immorality of market dominance?

What do you know about the immorality of empires?

What do you know about the giants of ancient Greek and Roman mythology?

What do you know about the earlier Titans?

How do you interpret succession myths, including those associated with the twelve Olympians?

How do you assess the justifications for family succession, corporate succession and government succession?

What do you know about succession planning?

The Spirit of Enlightenment has decreed that the Council of Enlightenment must urgently identify enlightened world leaders and support them in their duties.  Locating those leaders, even online, has been an extremely difficult task for the council to achieve.

The council has delegated part of the responsibility to the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, primarily in order for the committee to assess whether you are one of the leaders in question.

How, then, are you, really and truly, attempting to make the world a much better place than it would be without you, and where is the evidence?

How are you holding the powerful to account?

How are you holding bullies to account?

How are you preventing yourself from being a hypocrite?

As you apparently have little awareness of reality, you probably dismiss the usefulness of the scientific method because you fail to grasp the reasoning associated with it.  That is probably why you are aggressive.

Truly good improvements in the world cannot be made through aggressive tactics.

Perhaps you would rather deny your aggressive tendencies and convince yourself they are reasonable, or even natural.

How would you prefer to contribute to linear improvements?

If you are already relatively enlightened, you will know that revenge is a cycle of aggression and fails to improve anything.

Attempts to meet goals aggressively are predatory and therefore disrespectful of the needs and rights of other people, and other species.

The most dangerous human emotion is frustration.  It is the source of much revenge.  It is also a considerable barrier to the development and expression of empathy.  

If you are a parent, and possibly even a grandparent, why have you devoured the resources required by future generations over the next several thousand years?

What have you created so much waste and pollution, directly and indirectly?

If you have never been a parent, and you have the intention of becoming one, how do you know that is a responsible intention at present?

What is your acquaintance with the Spirit of Enlightenment?

What do you know about standing on the shoulders of giants?

What do you believe to be the purpose of learning from the past?

Nature is a giant.

What is science?

History is a giant.

What is the future?

How do you distinguish between a real person and a persona

How do you interpret personifications?

Has your imagination contributed much towards your planning recently?

Perhaps you are not particularly aware of your own plans and their purpose.  Perhaps you believe you are too powerless to have a plan and purpose of your own.

How do you usually think about history as it relates to various parts of the world?

How do you usually think about the present and future as it relates to various parts of the world?

What is your acquaintance with the sociology of knowledge

What is your acquaintance with the management of knowledge?

What is your acquaintance with the curse of knowledge?

What do you know about wisdom hierarchies

What do you know about the Theogony of Hesiod?

What do you know about historical interpretation?

What do you know about heritage interpretation?

What do you know about statutory interpretation?

What do you know about the cultural interpretation of patterns?

People continue to eat the world and kill it even if their ancestors mainly starved to death.

And how will their descendants live and die, if they have any?

Every city predates on the land around it, and on land further afield.  Many cities also predate upon the sea.  They all predate upon the air.  They consume and consume and consume, and pollute and pollute and pollute.

How do you respond to Mother Earth and Father Sky?

How do you compare social institutions with social structures and social systems?

What do you know about social mechanisms, and how did you acquire that knowledge?

How do you distinguish between a role and a character, in both fact and fiction?

How consistently do you express your true character?

If you perform roles not of your own choosing, possibly to other people's specifications, why do you do so?

What is your acquaintance with the structure of organisations associated with state power and/or financial power?

What happens in your mind when you notice a situation, or an interpretation of a situation, is problematic?

How do you usually prefer to structure knowledge in you mind, and in the way you choose to communicate?

How do you attempt to cope with, and address, unjust social systems?

How much respect do you have for your brain, and the brains of other people?

How much respect do you have for your mind, and the minds of other people?

What do you regard as the purpose of government if not the prevention of diseases, wars, famines and untimely deaths?

In the beginning of earthly experience was Gaia.  She existed not only in mythology but in reality.  She still exists.

How do you interpret the history of literal and figurative battles?

How are you attempting to defend Gaia against various aggressors?

What are your physical needs, and how do you know?

What are your emotional needs, and how do you know? 

How do you attempt to learn from experience about the purpose of understanding?

How do you measure success?

How do you measure failure?

How do you measure time?

How do you distinguish between duty, ritual and morality?

How do you assess viability in various contexts?

How do you assess affordability in various contexts?

What do you know about the Laestrygonians?

What do you know about the Amazons?

What do you know about the centaurs?

You may associate a sense of purpose with the possession of a goal, an aim, a feeling of meaningfulness, a set of objectives, a mission or even a romantic dream. 

How does your sense of purpose relate to world peace, if at all.

Perhaps your sense of purpose relates to religious practices in the ancient world, whether from one part of the world or another.

Peace has always been incompatible with abuse.

Far too many people complain about abuse without addressing it effectively.

Many other people fail to complain about abuse at all.  They allow it to continue and worsen.  

The abusers then believe they have the right to act abusively with impunity.  More and more cruelty then occurs.

All abuse must therefore be stopped immediately, even if you perceive it as relatively innocuous.

How have you been devouring children, from any part of the world, including those not yet born and possibly unlikely to be born for several more decades or centuries?

How have you been devouring the land, the air and the oceans?

There has been much ignorant human interference in essential natural systems for several centuries now, and possibly even since the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution.

How have you already attempted to contribute to the reversal of that damage?

The ordinary public, all over the world, has behaved in stupidly hedonistic ways since
aggressively developing the first civilisations as a consequence of the Neolithic Revolution. 
Only indigenous peoples and cultures learned to avoid that stupidity, yet most were destroyed by the bullies of the world anyway.

The Little Eichmanns selfishly pursue their own career advancement, their own financial advancement and their own prestige at the expense of peace and justice.  Their sense of duty is divorced from any sense of responsibility for the detrimental consequences of their individual and collective actions.

The Council of Enlightenment was originally known, in the English language, as the Universal Council of Enlightenment.

Unfortunately, ideas about universal jurisdiction have often been misinterpreted by ordinary mortals through delusions of grandeur, whether by kings, emperors, popes, billionaires, presidents, prime ministers, parents, celebrities or software engineers.

Universal jurisdiction only applies to the laws of science.

What is your acquaintance with universal morality

What is your acquaintance with inevitability?

How well do you understand liminality in relation to amazingly successful planning?

How, if at all, are you attempting to contribute to a Golden Age of some description?

Perhaps you have learned nothing from the chthonic and the primordial and the primitive and the peaceful.

Perhaps you have learned nothing from ancient Mesopotamian religion, or ancient Greek religion and mythology.

What do you know about Cronus and Chronos?

What have you discovered about politics and succession as a consequence of examining the Titanomachy?

How do you usually examine authoritarianism and opposition to it?

How do you interpret the
Amazonomachy, and why?

How do you interpret the story of David and Goliath?

How do you interpret the story of Judith and Holofernes?

How do you attempt to acknowledge your own mortality, and the responsibilities associated with it? 

How do you compare the work of one artist with another?

How do you compare underdogs, watchdogs and whistleblowers?

Perhaps you think there are too many questions here.

How do you usually prepare for a revolution, whether you want one to happen or not?

Perhaps you are hoping Astraea will guide you. 

Perhaps you are hoping to experience Austraealia.

Perhaps you would rather be guided by Asteria and/or her daughter, Hecate.

How do you compare interpretations of conflicts from various cultural perspectives?

What, for example, do you know about
Thor's Fight with the Giants by
Mårten Eskil Winge?

What do you know about The Fall of the Giants by Giulio Romano?

What do you know about The Fall of the Giants by Perino del Vaga

What do you know about the career of Andrea Doria?

What do you know about The Battle of the Amazons and Saturn Devouring His Son by Peter Paul Rubens

How do you compare the work of Rubens with that of Francisco Goya

Perhaps you prefer to compare Goya with Salvator Rosa.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee expects all its associates to be able to make accurate scientific, artistic, political and historical comparisons.

Perhaps your life is an example of rags to riches success, or its opposite.

Perhaps you have been regarded as a dark horse at one time or another.

Perhaps you have been a stalking horse at one time or another, or have hidden behind one.

If you are to make the world a much better place than it would be without you, what will you achieve, and how?

Perhaps you would rather interpret the Horae and/or Themis imaginatively rather than through your actions.

What do you know about the transformation from Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic practices to Neolithic practices?

How do you compare natural history with human history?

How have you been exploring natural history

How have you been exploring human prehistory?

What do you know about the history of agriculture?

What do you know about the history of famines?

How do you identify the causes of conflicts, including mythological ones?

How do you define a city?

What do you know about continuous habitation?

History has shown that civilisation and sustainability have often been incompatible with one another.

How do you interpret The Colossus and its possible provenance?

Public activities can often be unpleasantly competitive.
Public experiences are often incompatible with private needs.

Community activities are meant to be pleasantly co-operative.

But that rarely happens in practice.

How do you interpret the dependence of the present on the past?

How do you interpret the future?

Perhaps you prefer to look at the future with the assistance of James Gillray rather than Goya.

How do you know when a friendship or partnership or another sort of relationship is likely to become a long-term experience of pleasant interdependence?

How do you know when such an experience is unlikely to become, or remain, possible with a particular person?

How do you ascertain whether other people express themselves in ways compatible with your own needs and preferences, and any possible changes in your needs? 

What do you know about The Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel by François Rabelais?

How have you identified your preferred cultural practices?

How have you identified the people supportive of those practices?

Do you usually have purposeful reasons for making explorations or do you regard curiosity itself as sufficing?

Perhaps you have been walking on stilts for a particular purpose.

Perhaps you have been learning about the fate of the dinosaurs.
