Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part R

If you enjoy hunting, whether for rare animals to kill, or rare minerals to exploit, or rare work of art and/or antiquities to help boost your ego, you may enjoy hunting for elusive technologies, particularly those not yet invented.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is currently preparing a technological grant application to acquire billions of dollars from the Australian government, and various other gambling entities, to export carbon from the atmosphere of planet Earth to other parts of the Universe. 

The committee proposes producing large nanotechnology nets for the gathering of carbon by impoverished persons in low carbon economies and paying those persons to offset the inequities of current carbon pricing by waving the nets around in public places in the cooler and quieter moments of their busy schedules.

The nets will gather and measure the carbon with considerable accuracy and store it in condensed, solid form in the hollow handles.

A mini machine between the net and the handle of each piece of the highly advanced, wind powered technology, will turn atmospheric carbon into ready-cut diamonds with a flick of the wrist.

Obviously, the world market for diamonds on planet Earth will subsequently crash, hence the necessity to find other markets beyond the solar system.

A similar problem exists with coal deposits and uranium deposits, particularly in Australia, which is why the Australian government is gambling with various technologies to keep the greedy lobbyists happy.

All the little poor persons in low income economies will be provided with lovely, official carbon caps to wear during their carbon capturing pursuits, to help promote the technology further.

The prototypes for capturing the carbon are already being processed for trade mark purposes as Net Zeroes.  The net workers are therefore likely to be known as Net Zero Heroes.

If you already know something about nanotechnology and diamonds, and possibly even carbon capture and storage, and net zero political silliness, particularly if you are associated with the Australian government

Of course, diamonds are a girl's best friend if she happens to be an empress with a tendency to impress the world with her army, navy, air force and oppressive state apparatus.

But the needs of most girls and women are ignored when quite a lot of money may possibly be made through technobabble and techno netizen initiatives of the start up to the stars variety.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is therefore urgently addressing immorality, particularly of the patriarchal and paternalistic varieties, through its satirical entrepreneurial ventures and adventures.

Of course, diamonds have long been natural products and not necessarily mere ornaments.  Yet nets have often been more useful in terms of survival, over many centuries, or at least in terms of the survival of humans.

The prototype net for zeroing in on problematic atmospheric carbon is an antique butterfly net.  As the butterflies are dying, re-purposing the net design for carbon capture activities in slums and refugee camps is likely to have many advantages. 

Combining the greenhouse effect with the butterfly effect is causing many problems, even in locations inhabited by rich people and their super yachts and space rockets.

The ethereal, imperial ladies currently on the committee are keen to ensure empirical evidence is suitably presented of the efficacy of any technology associated with carbon capture, wealth capture, waste capture, regulatory capture, cap and trade capture and cap-in-hand capture.

There are, of course, a few ladies elsewhere seeking to improve carbon outcomes as sensibly as possible, including very young ones.

But how do you assess global threats?

How do you compare politicians of one sort with another and another and another and another and another

And who is turning the Earth into a killing jar?
