Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part S

Domineering politicians do not want good policy.  They want photo opportunities with each other.

That is the measure of their self-importance.  The world itself has no importance whatsoever to them.  Politics is an attractive realm to self-adulators as they pose for a look-good headline.

At the pinnacle of self-delusion, they highlight slogans as though life exists on a billboard.  On the world stage, there is no script except for scripted soundbites.

And Australia has become a global pariah, tarnished by a man who thinks he knows a messiah, or is one.

Even a landslide election win for the other side of the coalface duopoly will not improve the situation. 

The usual liar liar politics of Australian elections will not put out future fires.  There is no way to put out a catastrophic fire.

How then, should the public, in any society, respond to catastrophic governments?

No constitution properly explains the reasonable duties of politicians in the 21st century.

The structure of societies, governments and constitutions must change.

Instead of profits for the greedy few, and ridiculous adulation of the rich and famous, money should rightly be placed in the service of morality.

But who has the knowledge with which to transform societies, governments and constitutions as necessary?

Who provides the necessary culture

Who truly respects democracy?

Who knows which policies are necessary and how to implement them?

Who has appropriate respect for the public

It is certainly not the manipulators in and of the mainstream media.

To whom have you been providing descriptions of your attempts to address immorality with the urgency the task deserves, particularly if you happen to be an Australian citizen?

How do you attempt to show you care about the future of the world, even if you will personally only experience a tiny part of it?

What are you prepared to do for the future of well-informed freedom, including freedom from financial, political and environmental chaos? 

What are you prepared to do in the name of continuity?

How are you willing to protect your preferences?

How are you prepared to improve your communications to address immorality properly?

How will you ensure your conduct is indicative of quality leadership, particularly policy leadership? 

How will you use your creativity to improve societies and environments in a timely and effective way?

How will you make adjustments to your direct and indirect usage of transport?

How will you make adjustments to you direct and indirect usage of banking?

How will you make adjustments to your direct and indirect usage of language?

How will you make adjustments to your direct and indirect access to quality information?

How will you make adjustments to your direct and indirect access to any location or opportunity?

How will you attempt to improve your hygiene without causing additional pollution? 

How will you attempt to use economics to help clean up the global economy and environment?

How will you use your philanthropy to help clean up local and global political corruption?

How will you attempt to avoid diversions and other distractions?

How will you demonstrate your suitable devotion to addressing immorality with urgency? 

Perhaps you will do so through comedy.

Is there any particular opportunity you are seeking?

Perhaps you have been examining images:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

But how do you examine reality?

What do you regard as your most substantial contributions towards addressing immorality, whether urgently or otherwise?

What have you been reporting about immorality and its opponents?

What have you discovered about immoral funding?

What do you know about formality masquerading as morality?

What do you know about sexuality masquerading as superiority? 

What do you know about finance ruling and ruining the world?

What have you discovered about scandals?

How do you usually assess the relevance and urgency of themes?

Perhaps you are experiencing psychological trauma as a consequence of the lack of urgency towards address immorality appropriately.


What is your acquaintance with JP Morgan as a person and as a former business and as a current business?
