Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part U

The United Nations Climate Change Conference is continuing in Glasgow.

What, of any relevance or significance or usefulness, is happening there?

Who is most required to provide support and understanding, and to apologise for not providing it in the past?

What do you know about treaties and their ratification and the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of those processes in relation to political persuasion, political agendas and economic self-interest?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed by representatives of 154 governments in June 1992 in Rio de Janiero at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), known as the Earth Summit.

What do you know about the various parties to the convention?

The framework convention entered into force in March 1994.

How have you been assessing the health impacts of climate change over the past thirty years?

How have you been assessing the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the framework convention and subsequent agreements to limit the damage caused by climate change?

What do you know about the early 1990s recession and its influence on responses to climate change?

What do you know about the Kyoto Protocol of 1992, which entered force on 16 February 2005?

What do you know about its influence on responses to climate change?

What do you know about the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 and its influence on responses to climate change?

What do you know about the Paris Agreement of 2015, which entered force on 4 November 2016?

What do you know about its influence on responses to climate change? 

How have you been assessing greenhouse gas emissions since 1992, and since 1892, and since 1792?

What do you know about carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere?

What do you know about infrared radiation?

What is your acquaintance with the Hesperides, Hesperus and various golden apples?

How do you compare apples and oranges?

How do you compare sunrises and sunsets?

How do you compare the Hesperides with the Hebrides?

How do you compare triple deities?

How do you compare scientific concerns about government inaction on climate change from 2005 until now?

What do you know about the 2005 G8 summit in relation to climate change and immorality?

What do you know about the Great Barrier Reef in relation to climate change and immorality?

How do you compare and link patterns of disease with rising greenhouse gas emissions and global patterns of human interconnections?

How do you respond to farmers when their crops are destroyed by extreme weather?

Who depends on those crops, and why?

How have you been assessing the records here over the past few months, at least if you have not had other priorities?

When do you know priorities are reasonable?

How have you been assessing and comparing recent political history (2010) and earlier political history (1807)?

What do you know about national unity governments and global unity governance?

How do you compare a Ministry of All the Talents with governments possessing no suitable talents at all?

What do you know about people in business who abuse their political influence for their own purposes?

What do you know about fossil fuelled politics and the fooling of the public?

What do you know about the geopolitics of fossil fuels?

What do you know about the geopolitics of renewable energy?

What do you know about geopolitics more generally? 

Urgently addressing immorality successfully requires considerable insight into the complexities involved in strategic decision-making.

What is your current investment strategy, and what is the evidence upon which it is based?

What is your current understanding of finance, and how did you acquire that understanding?

Please catch up with all the news here if you have missed any of it: 


Whether you are wealthy or otherwise, what is government, from your point of view, and what is governance?

How do you know you have a point of view of your own?

What do you know about political science in relation to data analysis?

What is your legal awareness?

What do you know about socioeconomics?

What is your current understanding of politics, and how do you know it is not merely an indication of your hubris and/or gullibility? 

What is your current position relating to the theory and practice of political economy?

How do you try to improve difficult situations?

How do you know when difficult situations are beyond redemption?

How do you respond after making those assessments?

What do you know about the psychology of politics?
What do you know about the politics of positive psychology?

What do you know about political decisions of long-term, catastrophic consequence?

What is the sense of purpose associated with the urgent reforms you are seeking to achieve?



What do you know about scientific modelling in relation to philanthropy and political reform?

What do you know about political consulting

What do you know about political satire?

What do you know about greed

What do you know about motivated reasoning, whether associated with conspiracy theories or other biases

How do you identify conspiracy theories?

Are all definitions of concepts political, in your view?

Ignorant people cannot assess advice accurately.  They need knowledge with which to do so.  By the time they have sufficient knowledge, they are no longer ignorant.  

How ignorant or well-informed do you consider yourself to be at present?

What do you know about the resource curse, otherwise known as the paradox of poverty/paradox of plenty?

What do you know about asset management and asset allocation and risk aversion and investment strategies?

What do you know about strategic management?

What have you discovered from history about people with too much power?

What have you discovered from politics about people with deluded views?

How can you be sure you have been exploring possibilities properly?
How do you usually think about investments in relation to motivation and intention and hope? 

How do you know when ignorance and/or stupidity and/or arrogance makes people overconfident?

You may be aware that being well-informed often makes people feel powerless to improve situations.


How thoroughly are you investing in better governments, and how do you know?

What do you know about political parties in Australia and other parts of the world

What do you know about statelessness?

What do you know about the systematic abuse of Indigenous peoples?

What do you know about transitional justice?

What do you know about misogyny?  

What do you know about strategic human resource planning?

What do you knw about public infrastructure

What do you know about business mergers and acquisitions

What do you know about political mergers and acquisitions?

Well-informed people require the time to assess choices through good reasoning, not advice.

What have you discovered from journalism about people with much to hide?

What have you discovered from academia about people with weird ideas

What do you know about ongoing armed conflicts?

What do you know about genocide?  

What is your research policy?

What are your planning policies?



What do you know about the ways in which a low-carbon transition is disrupting fossil fuel politics

What do you know about the fossil-fuelled political economy of Australian elections, and other grabs for power?

What have you discovered from the history of Australian national politics and other national politics?

Who should be investing in improving political practices but is failing to do so?

What do you know about squatting of one sort or another or another or another?

What is currently your preferred approach towards investing in awareness, and why?

How productively are you investing in good faith, and how do you know?  

What do you know about the end of oil dependence in terms of geopolitics?

What have been your experiences of the unenlightened international community?

What have been your experiences of unintentional residential communities in the non-virtual world?

What have been your experiences of virtual communities?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee obviously requires all of its associates and assistants to be appropriately well-informed and kind, even when not appropriately dressed.

The committee also requires its associates and assistants to be appropriately skilled.

How have you been supporting enlightened editing practices in this part of the Internet? 

How have you been supporting enlightening investigations in any part of the Internet, and in the physical world?

How do you usually prefer to assess Australia, and why?
How do you usually prefer to assess the rest of the world, and why?
What is your information policy?

How do you compare places?

How do you compare people?

How do you compare attitudes?



If your little life is essentially mean and nasty and meaningless and of little value to anyone but yourself, you are likely to have deluded yourself into believing you are more important and knowledgeable than anyone else.

That probably indicates that you are likely to admire bullies.  You are probably so ignorant that you fail to notice that bullies are, in fact, as obnoxious as you seem to be yourself. 

How have you been attempting to reform yourself?

How often do you read digital books on enlightening historical topics?

Perhaps you would prefer learning about royal dining rather than charitable needlework or even important tapestries and quality needlepoint.

Bullies have indoctrinated the stupidly lazy into believing junk food and circuses are good for humanity, and possibly even for elephants and ponies.

How have you attempted to counteract various forms of indoctrination?

How do you know you are investing in well-informed kindness rather than in the expression of a saviour complex?

If you are white, have you ever been so misguided as to attempted to be a white saviour?

Regardless of your ethnic background, how do you know you do your best to prevent yourself from falling into the laziness trap known as fatalism?

What do you know about belief systems and their cultural origins?

What do you know about numeral systems?

Better cultural systems, in the public interest, may or may not slow the danger down but they are the only chance.

Yet there are ignorant, greedy fools in charge of public authorities everywhere.  They give most power to the people with financial freedom, and take that freedom away from the people with little or none.

Either you have the freedom to invest in urgent reforms or you do not.

Perhaps you do not believe you have the time.

What is a healthy community for you and your mind, and how do you know?

What is a healthy society for you and your mind, and how do you know?

The Keeling Curve continues to rise. 

Frightening feedback loops in anthropogenically-disturbed natural systems are happening now.

How do you think about tolerable places in which to live?
What, for example, is a tolerable culture, from your point of view?
And what is a tolerable environment?

What are your resources and how are you using, investing and conserving them? 

How productively are you combining your resources with other people's resources, and for what purpose?

How do you usually assess factors of production

How are you attempting to produce a safer, fairer, more pleasant world, if at all?

What do you know about information technology portfolio management?

What have been your experiences of scaremongering?

What have been your experiences of real risks

There is much hidden history in Adelaide, and throughout Australia, and throughout the world, whether underground or in archives or museums or botanical gardens or in the less visited areas of libraries or minds.

What do you know about the abuse of people with disabilities in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of elderly people in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of children in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of people of minority backgrounds in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of people of ethnic minorities in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of female persons in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of transgender persons in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of religious minorities in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of non-religious people in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of non-heterosexual persons in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about the abuse of gentle men in Australia and other societies?

What do you know about official and unofficial cruelty in various societies?

What do you know about repatriations?

What do you know about the history of exile

What do you know about penal colonies?

What do you know about the history of governments abandoning citizens in need of rescue?

What do you know about the cruelty associated with assimilation?

What do you know about the history of demonising the enemy

What is your acquaintance with propaganda, especially government propaganda?

If you live somewhere beyond the north of Australia, and you are not an Australian citizen, you are likely to be considered mainly from a marketing point of view by most Australian politicians.

If you are an Australian citizen and you live somewhere beyond the north of Australia, or anywhere else outside Australia, or you are an Australian citizen stuck somewhere outside Australia with nowhere to live, then most Australian politicians would prefer to deny you exist, unless you are extraordinarily wealthy and/or exceptionally popular with the Australian public.

What do you know about immigration detention in various parts of the world?

What do you know about the purported voluntary return of persons to their country of origin?

What do you know about repatriation?

What do you know about the deportation of asylum seekers?

What do you know about the deportation of people with criminal records?

What do you know about internally displaced people?

What do you know about the history of deportations?

What do you know about the Windrush scandal?

What do you know about Magdalene asylums?

How have you assessed structural integrity and failure in relation to engineering?

How have you assessed structural integrity and failure in relation to politics?

What do you know about mercenaries?

What do you know about fraudulent orphanages?

What do you know about social development theory?

What do you know about non-linear systems and experiences?

What do you know about state formation, state-building and nation-building?

What do you know about original affluent societies and stateless societies?

If you think you have nothing to contribute towards investing in suitable independence, you are obviously not a good investor at all.

Such independence requires nothing more than a good mind.
Such a mind is developed through investing time, in a continuously reasonable way, in the devoted, consistently courteous expression of honesty.
What do you know about women's rights?

What do you believe to be the qualities of a good parent?

What do you believe to be the qualities of a good grandparent?

What do you believe to be the qualities of a good society?
What do you know about human trafficking?

What do you know about forced relocations?

What do you know about forced displacement

What do you know about forced disappearances?

What do you know about forced rendition?

How have you assessed structural change and structural unemployment?

What do you know about world-systems theory?

What do you currently believe to be the key issues relating to political and financial reform?
