Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part Y

What is your acquaintance with the necessary skills and experience for quality negotiations, particularly international ones?

How has your upbringing contributed to your approach towards negotiations?

How carefully and imaginatively do you address the matter of scarcity, whether in terms of time or physical resources or information or skills or interest?

How do you know you always respect limits appropriately?

How have you been investing money, and why?

How have you been spending money, and why?

How have you been donating money, and why?

What have you been learning through the example of Gertrude Bell?

Why do so few people, of any social or cultural or economic background or gender, gain influence through their possession of knowledge and social contacts?

Why is knowledge so often derided by the people who feel threatened by it?

Why are social contacts so often regarded as the basis of credibility?

As investing in reasonableness is always a good idea, how reasonably have you attempted to join the important digital discussions in the virtual sitting room of Frugality Cottage over the past few months, and even over the past few minutes?

Perhaps you have emerged into an established career in the art, science and/or philosophy of good politics.

Whether you have or not, how attentively are you investing in improving political practices, and where is your proof?

If you have already contributed to the discussions in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage on matters relating to the emerging, global culture of well-informed kindness, what did you discover about constitutional problems through that experience? 

Enlightening discussions often take place in the virtual sitting room of Frugality Cottage in relation to the quaternary investigative workshops, in particular, though the contents of those discussions will not necessarily be recorded in the cottage archives.

All the workshops and projects associated with Frugality Cottage are principally associated with enlightening patronage experiences rather than practical training in one or more crafts.

Skilled persons are usually available elsewhere on the Internet, and elsewhere, should you wish to acquire various practical and beautiful yet relatively mundane accomplishments.

How do you distinguish between mundane and non-mundane accomplishments?

The difference between an enlightened patron and a financial investor is that the investor usually expects a financial return on a financial investment.

But what do enlightened patrons expect?

Being enlightened implies the expression of reasonableness.

Regardless of the quality of your personal possessions and access to assets, if you are already appropriately registered as a patron in Frugality Cottage, you are likely to have discovered several enlightening ways to improve your expressions of patronage, philanthropy and leadership.

You may even have had the chance to do so through the services offered in and from the Hall of Appropriate Patronage.  The hall itself is only a short, digital distance from the cottage. 

You have apparently missed the chance to be assessed in the Hall of Appropriate Patronage, and through the Adelaidezone Information Service, and even from the sitting room of Frugality Cottage.

That is most unfortunate.

Procrastination often has disastrous consequences.

Perhaps you spend too much time affirming the consequent instead of assessing the facts in relation to cause and effect.

Making inaccurate assumptions often has the same effect as procrastination.

If you are not yet appropriately registered as one of the patrons associated with Frugality Cottage, and you do not intend to become one soon, you may not have a chance to express your patronage officially in and from any part of the Adelaidezone for quite a few years, or possibly not even for quite a few decades, and perhaps even never.

Please act quickly.  That is the only way for you to become properly aware of your special talents.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee only assesses prospective patrons of its work if such persons are already reputable patrons and volunteers in and from Frugality Cottage.

Unless you are already appropriately registered as a patron of the Adelaidezone Information Service, you are unlikely to be a particularly productive participant in the enlightened leadership practices encouraged in the digital vicinity of Frugality Cottage.

Did you acquire any enlightenment inside the entrance of Frugality Cottage today?

If not, you are unlikely to have paid adequate attention.

Perhaps you have no interest in investing in simple living.

Perhaps you have no interest in investing in suitable independence.

Perhaps you are not even interested in investing in yourself.

Although the locally and globally relevant Civility Today is currently produced from a digital cloud above the Adelaidezone Political Digital Diamond, the most public level of each daily edition has been sent to the virtual library of Frugality Cottage for display purposes since 23 March 2021.

How urgently does your civility address immorality?

There is obviously no coercion permitted in or around Frugality Cottage, or anywhere else within the better parts of the Adelaidezone. 

Where and how, and with whom, have you been learning about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

The Council of Enlightenment is especially keen to ensure you are investing in good policy, in both theory and practice. 

The council also wishes to know how carefully, and in which localities, you have been investing in value.

How well have you been investing in improving political practices, and how do you know?

How thoroughly have you been investing in an intelligently kind culture, and contributing to it? 

Perhaps you have no interest in investing in improved constitutions to improve productivity properly, all over the world. 

What does your productivity actually mean in terms of quality, necessity and problem solving?

The Adelaidezone is not a country of any sort.  It is meant to be an enlightened, semi-fictional and semi-factual community

Perhaps you believe that even the countries and communities currently recognised under international law are semi-factual and semi-fictional.

How conscientiously have you been investing in purposeful reviews over the past few days?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has obviously been doing so very carefully indeed.

How satisfactorily have you been investing in enlightened productivity over the past few days?

How, for example, have you been assessing the productivity of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee in relation to COP26?

Who has influenced your job performance, and how, and why, and when? 

What, in fact, is your most important job at present, and why?

You are likely to know that government policies, and public funds, tend to uphold and entrench the power of ideologues, influential landholders, greedy business people, religious bigots and various criminals and narcissists, primarily at the expense of truly good people and reasonable points of view. 

How are you addressing that problem?

Perhaps you do not regard the entrenchment of unbalanced power as unjust.

What, though, is the legitimate, local and global balance of political and economic power in the 21st century and how, if at all, does it relate to the balance of nature?

Perhaps you are not interested in investing in better governments, in any part of the world.

Better governments respect the balance of nature and especially the nature of balance.

Do you usually express your cultural leadership in and from a sitting room or laboratory or library or garden or orchard or information desk or kitchen or attic or cellar or entrance hall or from somewhere else entirely?

You may or may not have spent much time exploring the morality of experiencing nicer teas and niceties over the past year, whether in the virtual sitting room of this ethereal cottage or in an ethereal museum nearby or in a cultural venue elsewhere. 

Appropriate thinking, appropriate writing, and other appropriate actions are always encouraged in Frugality Cottage, most especially from the sitting room.

As long as the necessary rules are followed consistently well, in and from Frugality Cottage, it is quite easy for a patron to rise from one level of patronage to another.

When the rules are not followed consistently well, it is quite easy for patrons to fall to a lower level.

Where and how, and with whom, have you been learning about the rules?

How do you attempt to identify, acknowledge and address the detrimental influences on your mental health?

The quality of leadership at the top of organisations influences the mental health of people throughout the hierarchy, and through the associated patterns of power, authority, influence and privilege.

How do you attempt to identify, acknowledge and celebrate the beneficial influences on your mental health?

How do you attempt to achieve and maintain homeostasis and equanimity?

What, if anything, do you appreciate, and why?

How can you be sure you are investing in the very best mental health

Do you own a sitting room for peaceful, delightful discussions on how to solve problems, including international and global problems?

Do you own a library for peaceful, delightful research purposes?

Do you own a peaceful and fragrant garden for your lifelong contentment and expressions of simple living?
