Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part Z

On the staircase, through the sitting room of Frugality Cottage, you may sometimes be greeted by an apparition of the Spirit of Enlightenment in the guise of Twaklin, Muse of the World.
Such an experience may confuse, amuse or frighten you, depending on your expectations.

If you are an Australian citizen and a member of the Really Quite Pleasant Australian Political Organisation, and also one of the organisation's endorsed federal election candidates, endorsed South Australian state election candidates, or local council election candidates, you will especially appreciate your membership of the Really Quite Pleasant Australian Politics Club.

Whether you are a member of the organisation and club or not, you may have spent some time recently exploring the virtual suburb of Twaklinilkawt, which is named after Villa Twaklinilkawt, of course.

In the villa itself, you may already have had the honour of perusing the Twaklinist archival diary notes in the Adelaide parlour meant for you and your enlightenment.

Through her Twaklin avatar, the Spirit of Enlightenment may have sometimes been mistaken, through inadequately accurate search engines, for a purportedly twerking tourist rather than an elegantly attired and extraordinarily wise, ethereal being.

Twaklin does, however, maintain the use of an exclusive room in Mr Twitter's Coffee House for occasional, very temporary, temporal discussion purposes with ordinary mortals. 

Distinguishing clearly between the temporal and the eternal is very important to all enlightened beings.

Please note that the Spirit of Enlightenment only uses instagram to send out properly authenticated pictures of dark matter.

Nevertheless, as Muse of the World, Twaklin usually supervises, and delegates, a considerable number of creative investigations and conscientious investigators.  

Most of the investigations take place in the main arts laboratory in the private observation tower of Villa Twaklinilkawt.

Information about that creativity has occasionally been mentioned in Lady Facebook's peculiar establishment.

There are certainly many discussions likely to continue in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage regarding the expression of adequately, and inadequately, ethical cultures.

Who do you think will be in attendance at the future discussions?

Will you?

You are very fortunate indeed to have access to Frugality Cottage at present, especially if you are not yet one of the registered patrons of the work conducted in and from the cottage.

Only patrons are eligible to become official students and proper volunteers and participants in the discussions in the sitting room.  They are also the only persons eligible to make a contribution to the research projects in the attic of the cottage.

How are you currently involved in investing in fun, and why?

How are you currently involved in investing in pleasure, and why?

Perhaps you regard investments in fun and pleasure as good investments.

How are you currently involved in investing in life, and why? 

How are you currently involved in preventing pain and suffering, and why?

Perhaps you regard pain and suffering as an inevitable, and therefore unpreventable, part of life.  

Perhaps you even gain pleasure from other people's pain and suffering.  Perhaps you also experience fun when causing pain and suffering.

Perhaps you believe investing in well-informed kindness would be a waste of time and resources, and even quite boring.

Perhaps you have no interest in investing in an intelligently kind culture.

Perhaps you would rather encourage profiteering from pollution and overcrowding and poverty and the abuse of vulnerable persons and other forms of life.

Very few people, anywhere in the world, are really truly interested in, and capable of, investing in enlightened philanthropy.

You are unlikely to be one of those people.

 Perhaps you even encourage the expansion of coal exports and/or the continuation of coal-fired power stations and/or the release of even more methane into the atmosphere and/or many unnecessarily journeys in petroleum-powered vehicles.

You are therefore unlikely to be interested in investing in enlightened beings.  You may even be involved in preventing such investments from happening.

You have probably never been involved in investing in thorough investments in the public interest.  Indeed, you are likely to have no respect for the public interest whatsoever.  You are unlikely even to know what it means.

Humans are an inbred species of idiots, fools and bigots.  Only a few have mutated sufficiently to be regarded as adequately pleasant.

The latter are capable of investing in the quality analysis of events.

How do you assess natural events?

How do you assess non-natural events?

How do you tell the difference between the natural and non-natural?

Perhaps your imagination is incapable of making such distinctions.

Perhaps your reasoning is incapable of separating cultural beliefs from scientific facts.

Perhaps the idea of investing in a healthy imagination confuses you.

Are you financially independent at present? 
If you are not financially independent, perhaps you are seeking advice on how to achieve that status.

All members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee are either financially independent or entirely ethereal.

There is no reason for ethereal beings to have any finances at all.

But what do mortal persons require?

Were you required to provide any money to anyone in order to enter the virtual library of Frugality Cottage today?

Were you required to account for your net wealth when you arrived at the entrance of the cottage?
Were you asked about your experiences of casting in relation to the performing arts?

Were you asked whether you know anything about casting spells

Were you asked whether you know anything about the etymology of the word invest and its various meanings?

Were you asked whether you know anything about the art, the science and the history of casting metal through investment processes and other processes?

Were you asked whether you know anything about the history of military investments and encirclements?

Were you asked whether you were wearing a vest or vestment?

Were you asked whether you considered the entrance of Frugality Cottage to be a vestibule?

Were you asked whether you knew anything about invests in meteorology?

Were you asked whether you knew anything about the legal term vesting and then required to provide examples its application in various contexts?

Were you asked whether you knew anything about coinage metals

Were you asked whether you knew anything about the history and manufacture of coins

Were you asked whether you knew anything about the coinage of words, including of the word coin, and if so, how did you answer?

Where you asked whether you knew about offerings?

Etymologically, to invest is to surround, whether with clothing, a room or anything else.

You may associate the word offer with the word sacrifice and/or the word bring

What do initial public offerings mean to you?

What do you know about investing money for the improvement of the world?

What is your acquaintance with twitter and other distribution channels?  

What do you know about the role of The Author in the Adelaidezone

How thoroughly have you been investing in awareness of very important matters and very important persons, and from where, and where is your proof? 

What do you know about investing in structure as an indication of morality?

What do you know about investing in suitable independence, whether financial or otherwise, as an indication of morality? 

How are your intentions a reflection of your independence, and your morality?

What do you know about investing in pleasant interdependence as a reflection of morality?

If you have ever compiled a review article on a research topic, how did you choose the topic to review?

And how did you articulate your sense of purpose?

Do you mainly associate Frugality Cottage with progress or tradition or both?

If you are not yet a patron of Frugality Cottage, in any way whatsoever, why not?

Perhaps you are mainly in search of an Australian idyll and/or an experience of idle luxury rather than the long-term improvement of your leadership, and the world.



Australian governments have never invested appropriately in anything of long-term value.

In fact, those governments have long been stealing public money in order to destroy everything of long-term value.

Are there any governments, anywhere, acting in the long-term interests of humanity and life itself?

As predicted by the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, COP26 turned out to be as crap as News Crap and the trickery of the LobbyRule Party of Australia.  The LayBore Party is similarly crap, of course.

What do the Naturals offer?

What does the global Mozarty Party offer?

What does the Civility Party of Australia offer?

What do you offer?

How thoughtfully have you been investing in purposeful reviews, and how do you know?

The digital part of the ethereal world is where truly wonderful and kind fictional characters, historical persons, mythological beings, registered patrons and various mortal visitors, can express themselves with and through humour, honesty and confidence, possibly anachronistically, but always in the present moment, whenever that moment may happen to arise.

You are experiencing a moment at this moment, if you have taken a moment and invested a moment, to take notice, and possibly even to take note and take notes.

How have you been recording your observations of various moments, and for what reasons have you been doing so?

Perhaps you have mainly been recording memories in your brain, either consciously or unconsciously.

You may or may not regard the ethereal world as the home of disembodied spirits, an assortment of ghosts and/or other apparitional phenomena.  Yet who is most likely to influence the politicians of the world, other than egomaniac billionaires, bigoted lobbyists and delusional sycophants?

Given the failure of COP26 to prevent the Earth from becoming more like Venus, urgent action is needed to transform politics, and journalism, and academia, and business, and civil society, for the better.

Superficial street protests will have no lasting effect for the greater good.  The corruption within the world's political systems is far to ingrained for any good to come through politics or political activism, or any sort of violence.

As COP27 is currently proposed to take place in Egypt, in November next year, in Sharm el-Sheikh, what will be the point in terms of the morality of climate justice, global agriculture, water politics, and biodiversity?

Perhaps the recent lifting of the long-term state of emergency in Egypt by the coup-leader dictator/president was associated with the COP27 announcement.

How are you acting to prevent, and address, the hubris so often reflected in unsympathetic politics and fatuous politics and hypocritical politics?

How syncretically and eclectically and sympathetically are you preparing for the future, and where is your proof?

How do you express sympathy for needs other than your own?

The shit 'leaders' of the world will continue to be shit, whichever conference centre or government building or presidential palace or royal palace or luxury resort or television studio they happen to inhabit at any particular moment.

No shit-heads are fit to govern.  They are wankers, fakes, bullies, pests and vainglorious nincompoops. 

Shuffle them to the top of Mount Sinai for a photo shoot and then shove them into the pit of Hell, where they belong.

The wonderful witches of the world are already preparing to take over all the governments of all societies, for the greater good, as an emergency measure. 

Perhaps you are willing to assist them.
