Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part J

Today, in the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties is scheduled to begin.

The event is scheduled to continue until 12 November.

What do you regard as meaningful involvement in any event?

What is a meaningful event, in your view? 

When people have particular expertise, their approaches to solving problems tend to be biased towards those areas of expertise.  Such people tend to feel bored when expertise is outside their own areas of interest.

Similarly, people without much expertise at all tend to feel bored or confused when information is provided in a way beyond their ability to comprehend.

How meaningful was the pre-COP youth summit in Milan, and from whose point of view?

How do you attempt to ascertain connections between meaningfulness and morality?

How do you attempt to identify connections between meaninglessness and immorality?

How will you be assessing meaningfulness, meaninglessness, morality and immorality in relation to COP26?

How meaningful was the pre-COP high level meeting in Milan, and from whose point of view?

What is the point of such meetings apart from social interaction and attempts at persuasion?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been preparing properly for COP26 through climate courtesy credentials.

Perhaps you believe you have been doing the same.

What have been your prior experiences of conducting research and learning crafts and developing creativity and courtesy and kindness and frugality?  

How well have you been expressing freedom and morality by investing in your understanding of thoughtful reciprocity, and how do you know? 

How do you distinguish between legal legitimacy and moral legitimacy?

How carefully, responsibly, relevantly, morally and authentically are you investing in understanding, and how do you know? 

Ignorant persons tend to respect authority, even when the authority is cruel and therefore morally illegitimate.

How do you usually compare the interactions within and between the governing authorities of administrative divisions?

How do you usually compare the interactions between the governing authorities of administrative divisions and the governing authorities of states?

How do you usually compare the interactions between the governing authorities of states?

How do you account for the prevalence of societal and environmental problems?

What can be done to ensure the enlightened productivity of governments? 

Protecting the public from greedy profiteering is an important job of any government.  The public has little power in that regard.   The public even has little power in relation to ensuring governments do the work they should be doing.

The rich and/or famous have not yet expressed well-informed kindness appropriately, anywhere in the world. That is why dreadful governments continue to exist everywhere. 

What do you know about responsibility in relation to wealth, fame, notability and popularity?

Good planning acknowledges that most governments and other organisations are untrustworthy.

The people in leadership positions within organisations usually fail to invest appropriately in trustworthy collaborations.  

They fail to invest time in reasonableness and continuity with adequate wisdom.  

They put the interests of the organisation itself, and themselves as individuals, ahead of the goals the organisation is meant to achieve.

All governments are corrupt because the systems, cultures and structures upon which they are based are corrupt.

The best way to address corrupt systems, cultures and structures is by establishing non-corrupt ones in parallel.

Strengthening non-corrupt systems, cultures and structures weakens corrupt ones.

When community and government decision-makers are unaware of the variations in people's experiences of daily life, they are ignorant.  They probably learn about the world mainly through television, and through their own social networks and delusions. 

When governments are run by deluded people and/or employ deluded people, those governments are corrupt.

It is impossible to live authentically in safety when corruption is happening.

Only adequately reasonable governments are acceptably good.

Perhaps you think you are capable of forming a good government. 

If so, where will you locate the suitably responsible, accountable, well-informed, kind and courteous persons to assist you?
Governments often hide the truth.  They also fail to acknowledge the truth when reasonable people seek to uphold it. 

Governments often also deny the truth, as do intolerable persons more generally.

Do you regard nations and governments as inventions?
Do you regard businesses and industries as inventions?
Do you regard language and writing as inventions?
Do you regard communities as inventions?  

Investing in better governments is obviously necessary and urgent, but how can that be achieved?

Whether or not you are currently paid a considerable amount of public, private or community money to solve particular societal problems or not, you are still responsible for investing in better governments.

If you work for a corrupt government, remember that they are all likely to be or become corrupt.  You are contributing to the problem by receiving an income from a corrupted culture.  

Please do not work for corrupt governments.  It makes you as bad as them, unless you do are doing your best to change the system from within.

Please do not work for any corrupt organisations whatsoever.

Perhaps you have been comparing the various images displayed here:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Many of the problems in the world today were established long ago, sometimes far away from where the difficulties have arisen.

The members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee hope you are familiar with the history of Glasgow quite well by now.

Do you always inform yourself properly of the history of the places you visit before your arrival?

Do you always inform yourself properly about the places in which you reside, whether you spend a short time there or many years?

Have you properly informed yourself about environments in other ways?

Have you properly informed yourself about ongoing events, recent events and later schedules?

Have you properly informed yourself about the global work of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?


Today is not only the start of COP26, of course.  There is Halloween to consider, with or without the advice of Scottish witches.

Perhaps you have been reading an enlightening grimoire about wonderful witches

Wonderful witches always address immorality with adequate urgency, with or without the power to influence politics.

Subsequent images:

13 | 14 | 15
