Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part M

The best way to address immorality is by investing in ethics with suitable urgency.

But what does that actually mean in practice from your own point of view?

What do you know about social ethics and environmental ethics and how did you acquire such knowledge?

What do you know about economics in relation to ethics?

There are many different points of view about economic ethics and business ethics and moral economy and political ethics and environmental ethics and macroethics and microethics.

Perhaps you usually assess ethics through social psychology and/or political ideology and/or your religious beliefs.

How have you formed your opinions regarding bioethics?

What do you know about ethics in relation to the applied science

Perhaps you have been attempting to understand the ethical consequences of basic research, including climatological research.

You may have been attempting to understand why some people denigrate seekers of truth and reporters of facts.

Perhaps you sometimes mistake peer-reviewed, scientific research for the infotainment and disinformation thrown into the public sphere by the gutter media and other propagandists.

If you believe you have been investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility, what does that actually mean from your point of view?

Although Australia is politically and ethically shit in many respects, most other countries are even worse.

One of the politically and ethically shittiest countries is much, much worse

Hypocrisy is shit.

Hubris is shit.

Ignorance is shit.

Killing people with any sort of shit is shit.

Treating the future as shit is shit.

Whose future have you been shitting on?

What do you know about inappropriate defecation?

How do you prefer to address that problem?

The federal government of Australia is crap in many ways.  

The Australian federal system means that the state and territory governments have been trying to save lives while the federal government has been attempting to prevent them from doing so, in the interests of the economy.

But who owns a national economy, and why?

Who owns a natural economy?

How do you conduct research into such matters?

And what does the word methodology mean to you?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is seeking your informed assessment of its future options, particularly in terms of leadership.

Without sufficient good in the world, particularly sufficiently good leadership, investing in pleasure becomes nothing more than a hedonistic indulgence. 

What is your approach to assessing the value of various activities?  

How do you usually identify significant gaps in knowledge if not through purposeful reviews  

Where are you currently investing in a sense of belonging, and how exclusively or inclusively? 

In urban and rural districts, in various parts of the world, advertising clutter and widespread litter often ruin otherwise attractive locations, in much the same way as ugly graffiti, tourist crowds, the insensitivity of selfish neighbours and disrespectful gatherings of bored and/or angry adolescents.

How do you attempt to identify key issues in relation to problems, possibilities and opportunities?

Which memberships, anywhere at all, are you seeking to attain or retain, and why?

What will those memberships probably provide for you in the future, and why?

How do the memberships you already possess help to improve the world, and over what sort of timescale?

Are you appropriately acquainted with the hubris of unenlightened in-groups and the abuse by those in-groups of out-groups?

How do you usually review the news and compare it with contemporary history and contemporary philosophy and contemporary macrosociology and contemporary political science?

Where do you prefer to locate enlightened advice, and why? 

All authentic creativity involves invention, whether for philanthropic or misanthropic purposes.

Adequate understanding is a necessary prerequisite for all well-informed investing, including well-informed patronage and well-informed philanthropy

Perhaps you have been attempting to review your approach to investing in enlightened philanthropy.

Such philanthropy is dependent upon quality research, of course.

Perhaps you have been conducting research recently with the assistance of an enlightening grimoire:

