Urgently Addressing Immorality - Part F

A suitably enforceable, global code of civility is urgently required. 

Be fully aware of your responsibilities in relation to its development and implementation.

Cautiously assess possibilities.

Defy the forces of darkness.

Encourage all reasonable people to be part of the second Age of Enlightenment.

Follow the truth, wherever it may lead you.

Give proper attention to the lessons of history.

Help to transform the world for the better.

Initiate practical solutions to urgent problems whilst simultaneously ensuring any unforeseen consequences are acknowledged quickly and attended to appropriately.

Justice must be at the forefront of all decision-making practices.

Keep away from distractions.

Leave trivialities to the ignorant.

Make the best use of your time.

Never allow anyone to persuade you to feel guilty for acting wisely.

Open your mind to alternative ways of addressing problems.

Prepare to change your mind and adapt your schedule whenever relevant new evidence is presented.

Question assumptions diligently, including your own.

Respect needs, including your own.

Settle for second best only when the best is impossible to reach in a reasonable way.

Trust evidence, not reputations or attempts to persuade.

Understand the risks involved in all your pursuits and plans.

Verify facts and schedules.

Write accurate accounts of your experiences.

Rename the 2021 Production Gap Report the Reduction Gap Report.

Xerxes was fictionally fond of a particular tree.

You may enjoy gardens, and possibly even forests, but be warned.

Zoroaster warns of disaster, perhaps, but what do you know for certain?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been examining evidence from the beginning of time to the present.

The first significant human revolution was Neolithic.

It began around 12,000 years ago

When did you begin, and where, and why, and how?

What do you know about Vavilov centres of diversity?

The second revolution was Chalcolithic and metallurgic and politically urbanised.  

The Chalcolithic overlapped with Neolithic, 7,000 years ago.

What is the metaphysics of your existence?

How do you usually examine beginnings and endings and everything in between?

The Neolithic began to decline around 5,000 years ago, with mass migrations.

What caused the decline, and how do you know?

How do various cultures account for the rise and fall of their own experiences?

The third revolution was Bronze.  It began about 6,000 years ago.

What do you know about the empires of 5,000 years ago?

How do you usually assess history?

How do you usually assess morality and immorality if not through the light of historical fact?

There is much to learn from cultures of long ago, especially when particular interpretations of those cultures influence beliefs and behaviours in the present.

How do you identify and assess principles?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has provided you with much information to examine, and to discuss appropriately.

How do you keep your hands appropriately occupied when your mind requires you to pay attention to important information?

How do you keep your mind appropriately occupied when you are required to pay attention to producing handicrafts, meals and disease-free environments?

How do you produce crops, and for whose benefit?

Perhaps you are excessively urban and/or wealthy and do not produce any of your own food directly, even on a windowsill.

How have you been assessing privileges recently?

How have you been assessing revolutions, and for what reasons?

The fourth revolution was horrific.  It happened in the 12th century BC.

Do you usually regard major changes in ways of living to be revolutionary, whatever the causes?

Do you usually attempt to account for such changes in terms of the natural, the supernatural or the cultural?

Do you usually account for political experiences through natural, supernatural or cultural experiences?

How do you usually assess a sense of purpose?

What do you intend to achieve by the end of this year, and how?

What do you intend to achieve by the end of this month, and how?

The fifth revolution was Iron.  It began around the same time as the Bronze Age Collapse.

What do you know about ancient iron production, and its uses?

What is your acquaintance with history from the rise of the Achaemenid Empire, around 550 BC to the Glorious Revolution of 1689?

How do you usually prefer to assess evidence of one sort or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another or another?

How have you been examining history from the Glorious Revolution to the Climatological Revolution, and for what reasons?

How have you taken earlier history into account whilst doing so?

How do you assess a culture of one sort and compare it with another and another and another and another?

What do you know about the history of invasions?

What do you know about the history of revolutions and rebellions?

What do you know about the agenda of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, and how do you know it?

The committee members hope you are well aware of the fact that the butterflies are dying as a consequence of human ignorance and immorality.

Addressing the problem is likely to involve several very prickly processes.
