Taking the Pithos - Part Three

Hesiod was certainly a misogynist.  He was part of the patriarchy.  He blamed women for the unpleasantness of arrogant men.

But arrogant women are unpleasant, too, and so are ill-disciplined children.

But the arrogant rich, regardless of gender, are the most unpleasant of all.  Indeed, to have excessive wealth is a form of arrogance in itself.

The prevalence of arrogance in the world is why COP26 will inevitably be crap.

Greed is a form of arrogance.

In the present, there are quite a few organisations with excessive power. 

Some of those organisations claim their power on the basis of miraculous, and therefore implausible, events.  They may also claim supernatural authority. 

Yet the accurate documentation of phenomena is necessary if problems in the world are to be resolved.

Hesiod was mainly a writer of poetic fiction, like Homer, though they may have claimed to be historians.

Homer is quite likely to have been a brand rather than a person.

How do you attempt to distinguish between historical fiction and historical fact?

What do you learn from fragments of artifacts and fragments of texts?

What do you learn from copies of ancient documents and re-interpreted accounts of long ago events? 

How, for example, have you developed your understanding of human nature?

If you are yet to experience to first two parts in this series, please do so now:



How do you usually attempt to understand the context of documents, and artifacts?

In Works and Days, Hesiod developed the idea of Pandora as a public nuisance.

Yet she was apparently created entirely by supernatural powers.

Does that follow, therefore, that supernatural powers are a public nuisance?

Hesiod was known to have family problems.  He also experienced injustice through a corrupt legal system.  

He appears to have been an angry person as a consequence.  Perhaps his anger motivated his poetry.  Perhaps anger was his muse.

What is your muse?

What do you know about food, water and land supplies at various times in history, in various places?

What do you know about corruption, violence and laziness in relation to those supplies?

What do you know about ignorance in relation to land and its management?

What do you know about the public interest in relation to good and bad land management, good and bad legal systems, and good and bad governments?

What do you know about the world as it was in the time of Hesiod?

What do you know about the world as it has been from the Glorious Revolution to the Climatological Revolution?

How do you compare ancient history with modern history and interpretations of every century in between?

Perhaps Hesiod identified himself with Prometheus.

He may have equated his brother, Perses, with Epimetheus.

With whom do you identify, and why?

What do you know about the personification of primordial forces?

Fossil carbons have been stolen from Time and greedily used by humans to endanger Life itself.

Who, though, is being punished, and why, and how?

What is the source of the punishment if not Arrogance?

Narratives are often mistaken for truth.

Formal agreements are often mistaken for happy endings.

Perhaps you believe a superhuman hero or supernatural deus ex machina will save the day in Glasgow next month.

But belief is not fact.

What do you know about the Titans?

Perhaps you have difficulty distinguishing between Titans, tartans, Olympians and travel restrictions.

Hesiod viewed himself as a teacher, an instructor and guide, as well as a poet, a farmer and philosopher.

Humans have long taken an interest in how the universe began, but why?

Perhaps it is a common question asked by children, in much the same way as their own origins.

But why is it so difficult for adults to tell the truth?

Why are people so often afraid of the truth of nature, and history?

Who cares that the butterflies are dying?

Who does not care at all?

Why do some people care, and how?

Why do some people have very little care about deaths other than their own?

Why do some people not seem to care whether they themselves live or die?

Why do some people seem to care much more about babies in wombs but not about those already born?

Why do some people want immense power while allowing none to other people?

How do you distinguish between Hell and Mount Helicon?

How do you imagine a Golden Age?

What do you know about the International Training Centre for the Harmonious Interplay of Beauty, Understanding and Magnificence?

What do you know about the digital Adelaidezone and its association with the Muse of the World?

What do you know about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

What do you know about the Secular Order of the Perpetual Wait?

What do you know about the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble?

Which alternative universe is actually the real one, in your view?

Perhaps you usually associate alternative universes with fiction, or religion, or politics, or art, rather than science.

How do you compare human perceptions of the world?

How do you compare the perceptual experiences of humans with the perceptual experiences of plants, animals, fungi and microbes?

Through which senses do you usually communicate, and why, and with what and whom?

What is your acquaintance with electrons, elections, fractals and statistics?

What have been your experiences of prickly processes

What do you know about the history of almanacs and zodiacs?

What do you know about the history of gazettes and gazetteers?

How does the metaphysical influence your views about the epistemological, the ethical, the political and the aesthetic?

What do you know about the history of migration and colonialism by humans?

What do you know about the history of migration in other species?

What do you know about colonies of other species and their changes over time?

Updating you on the work of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is much like the effort required on behalf of the IPCC.

What do you know about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?

How do you attempt to gather global data together usefully?

How do you define usefulness in various contexts?

What do you know about damage control in various contexts?

There is obviously much to learn, and act upon, if the world is to be improved by humans.

Perhaps you believe the world would be a better place without humans, but if you are willing to lead the way in that regard, that would obviously be suicidal and not recommended by caring persons at all.

What does it really mean to care about the world?

How much do you care, and how do you know?

How do you make comparisons between caring and uncaring, and between levels of care?

What does climate justice mean to you?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is obviously doing its best to prepare humanity for the future, primarily through examining past and present cultures.

Cultures have been shaped by information retained, and re-interpreted, from the past, whether in writing, oral accounts, the visual arts or otherwise.

Much effort has been made by scholars and other authorities to preserve records of the past, and to provide new records of experiences.

How much do you value your access to records about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

Perhaps you do not value this experience at all.

Perhaps you do not believe anyone of your acquaintance would value this experience.

Perhaps you do not really have the time to understand this experience, or at least you would prefer to spend your time in other ways.

What have you been learning about the history, and ongoing activities, of tricksters?


How do you define the features of a kleptocracy?

What do you know about blatant kleptocrats and more scheming ones? 

How do views about cosmogony and cosmology influence assumptions about economics, politics, law and religion in various societies?

How do you define the state, if not through the flow of wealth, power and influence from various source to others?

How does the Theogony of Hesiod influence your views about theology, ideology and climatology?

And what do you believe influenced Hesiod's poetry?

If he was mainly a farmer, where did he learn about poetry, and writing?

Where did he acquire the tools for writing, and for farming?

Why did he feel the need to teach people through his poetry?

Why did he describe Pandora as an instigator of problems?

Fossil fuel deposits are much like the troubles released in Hesiod's story, only worse.  So who is still releasing them, and why?  And why is it so difficult to stop them from doing so?

Perhaps the answers are in the Pandora Papers.

Yet knowledge does not improve the world if powerful people refuse to act upon it.  The powerless continue to be ignored, or threatened, or killed, or treated as scapegoats.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is seeking to improve the situation, with assistance from several other ethereal organisations, and an assortment of groups, and various individuals.

Perhaps you wish to help.

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