Taking the Pithos - Part Two

What is your preferred approach to improving the culture of politics, and why?

Perhaps you regard that question as too difficult to answer, especially if you are not involved in improving the culture of politics at all.

In the first part in this series on taking the pithos, you were invited to acquire introductory knowledge about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee.  You were also invited to demonstrate that knowledge appropriately.

Even though you have not yet demonstrated any knowledge appropriately to the committee, you are now invited to explore democracy and the revolution in more depth.

Perhaps you are not particularly interested in doing so.  Perhaps none of your acquaintances are likely to be interested in doing so, either.

Of course, the committee would prefer not to encourage a revolution at all.  Such processes tend to be rather chaotic.

An orderly reform process would be much preferred by all committee members, if at all possible.  Unfortunately, there is no evidence that such a reform process is likely to occur within the scientifically necessary schedule.

The necessary initiative is absent.  The necessary motivation is absent.  The necessary leadership is absent, at least where it is most required.

Peaceful reform in the 21st century is heroic.  It requires superior leadership qualities, superior knowledge, superior ethics, and superior financial resources.

In the political world, superior financial resources take the place of supernatural assistance.

Perhaps you have sought supernatural assistance to help you improve politics, or at least to shape political situations in the way you prefer.

To whom have you been displaying your climate courtesy credentials over the past few weeks, and why?

Such credentials are obviously required when seeking to lead a suitably peaceful reform process.   They are also required when seeking to lead a suitably peaceful revolution.

Apart from members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, who are the people preparing properly for COP26 through climate courtesy credentials?

Whether physically or digitally, the committee members only ever attend events with appropriately qualified persons in the 21st century.

What are your most appropriate qualifications, and who supplied them to you?

How do you usually seek to earn respect?

Perhaps you associate respect with attentiveness.

Perhaps you have gained respect by fitting within a culture you respect, and possibly even admire.

Perhaps you do not respect anyone or anything outside that culture.

Perhaps you are not really interested in caring properly

There is much work to do to improve democracy.  Indeed, improving the world is not possible without doing so.

Perhaps you do not care about democracy and its potential for improvement.

Perhaps you are quite happy with the world the way it happens to be.

Perhaps you have plenty of stored wealth to help keep troubles away from your life.

Perhaps you would be bored with the tasks required of anyone peacefully involved in attempting to improve democracy.

Perhaps you do not even know about the tasks involved.

Where have you been for the past thirty years, or even the past fifty years, or hundred years?

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about where you have been and what, and who, you have seen.

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about how you travel, and how you are accommodated during those experiences, and what you eat, and what you wear, and what you achieve, and who you meet.

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about where you live and how you live and how you make money.

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about how you look and/or how you sound.

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about the ways in which you communicate.

Perhaps you enjoy bragging about the messages you communicate.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has no time for braggarts.

Nor does the committee have any time for sycophants.

Therefore, please do not promote yourself inappropriately or attempt to flatter the committee members or seek unseemly personal gratification through your interactions with the committee.

Democracy can only be improved if manners are improved, through the development of reasonable, mutual respect.

What is your acquaintance with civility?

What is your acquaintance with any other form of well-informed kindness?

What is your acquaintance with appropriate and inappropriate responses to arrogance?

What is your acquaintance with appropriate and inappropriate responses to attraction?

What is your acquaintance with appropriate and inappropriate responses to information?

Although you may have plenty of bluestockings and lovely green leggings to support your contributions to the improvement of democracy, whatever the weather, do please ensure that you have everything else you may possibly require.

What are your plans, including your contingency plans?

Of course, it is necessary to protest suitably in order to highlight where political improvements are most urgently required.

If you are a journalists, how have you been acting in that regard?

If you are a legal practitioner, how have you been attempting to improve politics?

If you are a military and/or police employee, did you become one before or after the decline of democratic practices in your local district?

Democracy has been declining everywhere over the past twenty years.

The committee members hoped political situations would improve everywhere thirty years ago, but that obviously did not occur as anticipated.

What influence did you have in the world in 1991, if any?

Perhaps you did not exist in that year, or even in that decade.

In any year, month or week, holding powerful people to account is necessary.  

That process should, if possible, be conducted with the utmost civility.

Are you sure you learn from history and mythology appropriately?

Who holds you to account, and how, and why?

Perhaps you have considerable political responsibilities as a representative or delegate of some sort.

Perhaps you have considerable economic responsibilities as a representative or delegate.

Perhaps you are involved in assessing insurance risks and/or insurance claims.

Perhaps you are involved in other economic and political assessments. 

All risks are political.

All risks are also economic.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has been assessing risks for many centuries now.

Good research, good training, good supervision and good management are essential when seek to manage risks satisfactorily.

How do you manage political risks, financial risks, health risks, climate risks and other risks?

What does your leadership reflect?

Perhaps it reflects the indoctrination you have experienced.

Perhaps it reflects your ambitions rather than your responsibilities.

Perhaps it reflects the arrogance, hypocrisy and other abuses you are attempting to conceal, either on your own behalf or on behalf of someone else, or even on behalf of several people. 

But what does good leadership reflect, and how do you know?

How does good leadership shape the future, in your view?

Perhaps your stated beliefs are little more than hot air.

Perhaps your stated promises are little more than hot air.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee promises nothing.

The committee has little influence in the world of ordinary mortals and therefore no power to improve politics.

If you are an heir to a fortune, you may be hopeful of using it for good in the world.  But how are you preparing for that possible eventuality?

Most fortunes are not used for good in the world.  They are used to retain and expand fortunes, and possibly even political influence.

The acquisition of fortunes is rarely associated with good in the world, either.

What is your good fortune and how have you already been using it for good in the world?

What is misfortune, in your view?

Perhaps you are currently waiting to be rescued, whether from a dangerous monster, dangerous hot air, a dangerous billionaire, a dangerous politician, a dangerous family member, a dangerous heir to a fortune, a dangerous climate, a dangerous coastline, a dangerous lack of finance, or a dangerous building.

If you are in poverty and homeless, you probably cannot even afford a horrible hotel room for tonight, in which case you are likely to depend entirely on the kindness of other people for your support from day to day.

Whether you are in poverty and/or homeless, or otherwise, who supports and protects you from day to day, directly and indirectly, and how, and why?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has conducted considerable research, all over the world, directly and indirectly, regarding hot air, hopeful heirs and horrible hotels.

Perhaps you have done likewise.

The worst hotels, in terms of clientele, are often the most expensive.

The worst hot air, in terms of politics, occurs during summit meetings.

The worst heirs, in all sorts of terms, are the arrogant ones, the wasteful ones and the sycophantic ones.

Arrogant heirs expect more than their fair share.

Wasteful heirs do not know how to value anything.

Sycophantic heirs pretend to be amenable.  They do so mainly in the hope that they will not be disinherited.

Whether you are a hopeful heir or not, how do you know you are preparing for the long-term future appropriately?

Do you have enough large storage jars, storage tanks, store rooms, cupboards and shelves?

Whether you do or not, how are you protecting your storage facilities from various risks?

How have you filled the storage spaces, and why, and for which circumstances?

Perhaps you regard your brain as a storage facility.

Perhaps you regard books and digital devices as storage facilities.

What is your acquaintance with mistranslations and other misinterpretations?

You may know something about the mythology of Pandora in relation to a pithos/storage jar or pyxis/storage box.

Erasmus has been blamed for the misinterpretation though Hesiod's stories were rather muddled themselves.

How do you usually respond to a story if it makes no sense?

Perhaps you prefer stories to be interpreted in ways to match your biases.

Perhaps you usually interpret politics that way.

Yet the quest for a civilised atmosphere is an objective pursuit.  It involves peacefully overcoming biases and social pressures, particularly monstrous ones.

While people lacking foresight obviously have difficulty planning ahead, the most dangerous criminals are often one step ahead of whoever is attempting to prevent their wrongdoing.

Perhaps you regard civilisation as theft from nature.

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