Taking the Pithos - Part One

Most people are not particularly sophisticated.

Indeed, most people are not sophisticated at all.

They know nothing about the history of textiles.

They know nothing about the history of ceramics.

They know nothing about the history of drama.

They know nothing about the history of economics.

They know nothing about the history of politics.

They know nothing about the history of science.

They know nothing about the history of philosophy.

They know nothing about the philosophy of history.

What do you know?

Perhaps you believe you know something important about the history of art.

You may even believe you know something important about art history.

You may believe you understand the art market.

You may believe you understand the history and economics of tourism.

You may believe you understand the history, politics and economics of epidemics and pandemics.

You may believe you understand the history of logistics.

You may even believe you are well acquainted with the history of languages and/or archaeology and/or metallurgy and/or architecture and/or geology and/or ecology and/or transport and/or trade.

You may believe you have expertise in the history of palace economies.

You may believe you are highly knowledgeable on the history of palaces.

You may believe you know more than most people on the history of, and causes of, poverty.

If this is your first experience of the committee, welcome.

If this is your first experience of this district of the Internet, please do attempt to make yourself comfortable here, within reason.

Breathe calmly, clear your mind of clutter, assess your current net worth, then seek out a refreshing beverage and any other personal requirements you may perceive as immediately relevant to your health and well-being.  If you have other responsibilities and distractions requiring your urgent attention, do please delegate them as necessary, if at all possible.

The committee requires your undivided attention as soon as possible, preferably within the next few minutes.

If you are not particularly sophisticated, you will know nothing very much about the history of agriculture.  You are unlikely to know much at all about the Neolithic Revolution and the life of humans before it occurred.  You may even regard such matters as irrelevant to your daily life. 

Perhaps you know nothing about the history of food, the science of nutrition, the art of cookery and the cultures associated with cuisines, especially if you spend much of your life consuming mass-produced snacks and unhealthy beverages.

If you were to take a pithos anywhere, what would it contain, how would you carry it, and where from, and where to, and why?

If you were to take several pithoi from one location to another, what would be your motives for doing?

How would you prefer your pithoi to be decorated, and why, and by whom?

Where would your pithoi originate?

If you were to hire someone to transport your pithoi from one place to another, how would you pay for the service provided?

Perhaps you would expect the person expecting to receive your pithoi to pay the price.

How do you usually assess the price of anything?

What do you know about costs and benefits?

How do you prefer to interpret fragments and images of evidence, and for what purposes?

Perhaps you use the Anglo-Pama–Nyungan-Algonquinian-Twaklinian Hexagonal Tables to assist your assessments of evidence. 

Perhaps you use other tools and techniques.

Perhaps you use no tool or techniques at all and merely imagine you are acquiring knowledge.

But what is the point in acquiring knowledge, tools, techniques and big ceramic pots when other people can see no value in doing so?

How do you assess value, including the value of digital images and digitally-presented words?

How do you assess values?

You may or may not place much value on ancient artifacts.

You may or may not know how to assess the significance of artifacts in the accurate understanding of history.

You may not believe the artifacts of the ancient Mediterranean area have anything to do with you.

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee prefers to keep to the point, even when taking the pithos from one location to another.

Spilling important information in the wrong place, at the wrong time, should be avoided at all costs.

Spilling interesting information in the wrong place, at the wrong time, should be avoided at all costs.

Spilling private information in the wrong place, at the wrong time, should be avoided at all costs.

What do you know about accessing data in order to infer information from it?

How do you respond when people disagree with your inferences, or even threaten you from stating them?

How do you respond when you disagree with other people's inferences?

How do you respond when you disagree with their extrapolations and  speculations?

What do you do when your expert opinion is regarded as worthless in a situation of considerable danger?

When is a sharp response most necessary, in your view?

When is a polite response more likely to be effective?

What have been your experiences of appropriate bluntness, both as a provider and as a recipient?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is deeply concerned about the lack of political sophistication in the world.  Perhaps you have similar concerns.

If so, what are you attempting to do to address the matter?

How do you personally contribute to political sophistication, and how do you know?

How do you define political sophistication, and why?

How do you record your political experiences, and for what reasons?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee is particularly devoted to the acquisition and maintenance of accurate records.

You are currently examining one of those records.

Accurate records must obviously be properly organised in order for them to be useful to relevant researchers.

If you regard yourself as a relevant researcher, how elegantly and systematically do you compile records, and for whose benefit?

Where and how do you store the records?

How easy is to for you to retrieve the records as necessary?

How easy is it for other persons to retrieve the records, whether they have permission or not?

How do you attempt to secure the records to ensure sensitive data is protected appropriately?

How do you assess whether information is important, interesting or private?

How do assess importance in terms of history, science, aesthetics, economics and politics?

Of course, the information presented in the digital records here is of ongoing political importance.  That is why you have been provided with access by the committee, dear world leader.

Perhaps you are seeking to know more about the history of the committee and its work.

If so, what are your questions and why do you regard suitable answers as important to you?

How do you ascertain whether an answer is suitable or not?

How do you respond when an answer is not suitable for your requirements?

How do you know you ask questions appropriately?

How do you attempt to ascertain the chronology of events, ideas and artifacts?

How do you attempt to identify the persons involved in important circumstances, including dangerous situations?

Perhaps you do not usually associate importance with danger.

How do you interpret roles, including your own, in relation to past, present and future events?

Perhaps you are more interested in learning about the members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee. 

If so, what do you want to know, and why?

If you are seeking to intrude upon the privacy of any members of the committee, what are your reasons for wishing to do so?

Perhaps you are mainly interested in private information and private lives.

Perhaps you are mainly interested in gaining privileges in relation to the committee, its work and/or other pursuits of the members.

How can you prove you are worthy of any privileges at all?

How can you prove the authenticity of your claims in relation to expertise and ethics?

Perhaps you really do not understand the work of the committee at all. 

If you are seeking to have influence within the committee, why do you believe you are entitled to receive such a privilege?

If you are seeking to become more aware of the influence of the committee, what are your questions in that regard?

What influence has the committee had on you since you first became aware of its work?

How do you usually tell the difference between an immortal goddess and a mortal muse?

What are your inferences in relation to the committee and its work?

What have you been interpreting, interpolating, extrapolating and speculating in relation to the committee, and why?

What do you know about circles, cycles, spirals and feedback loops in various contexts?

Such matters are particularly necessary to understand physically, psychologically, financially and politically.

If your expertise relates mainly to futurology rather than history or archaeology, how has your research been informed by botany, pedology, edaphology, meteorology, hydrology, climatology and political philosophy?

Regardless of your expertise, how clearly do you distinguish between myths and science?

Perhaps you are confused about the purpose of the committee.

If so, that suggests you have not been paying adequate attention to this information.

How have you already been addressed here in relation to your most important role in the world? 

Perhaps the questions here make you feel rather naked, whether figuratively or otherwise.

Perhaps you are more embarrassed by images of artistic nudity, from any century, than you are regarding lapses in your political leadership.

How do you distinguish between artistic nudity, innocent nakedness, vulgar voyeurism, tasteless exhibitionism, scientific examinations and revelations of political truths?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee obviously pays much attention towards covering up private indignities whilst exposing important facts in the public interest.

There are many dangers in the world, as you are likely to be well aware.  As in the past, people are dyeing in many parts of the world, for various reasons.

Many people, other animals and various plants are also dying, of course, whether naturally or otherwise.

What do you know about such matters?

How do you feel about such matters?

How do you respond to your knowledge and feelings in relation to various matters?

What are your current priorities and what are your plans in relation to them?

What are your current principles and how do you usually display them?

How do you know you are not a hypocrite and/or bully?

How do you know you do not otherwise violate dignity, civility, decorum and democracy?

Perhaps your own desire to attain and/or retain dignity is incompatible with civility, decorum and/or democracy.

What do you know about dignity in the public sphere?

What do you know about dignity in the private sphere?

What do you already know about the principles associated with the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

How do those principles compare with your own?

Perhaps you are mostly interested in how the committee members put principles into practice.

What do you believe you already know about that subject?

How do you put your own principles into practice?

How do you document that process and measure your success? 

How do you assess the obstacles you encounter?

How do you seek assistance to help you overcome obstacles?

The committee seeks assistance from its various ethereal and mortal patrons.

Who are your patrons, and why?

To whom are you a patron, and why?

Perhaps you are seeking patronage from the committee.  If so, that suggests you are impertinent.

Your access to this information is intended to communicate the concerns of the committee regarding your apparent laziness.

The committee has received no evidence, as yet, regarding the required improvements in your leadership.

There are many weather-related problems to address with considerable urgency.

There are also many economic and political problems to address with considerable urgency.

Perhaps you are experiencing self-pity.

Perhaps you would rather jump in an empty pithos and hide there for a while, or even forever.

Perhaps you usually prefer to respond to the weather, and politics, and economics, with pathos rather than good evidence, good reasoning, elegant egalitarianism and equanimity.

What, if anything, have you discovered about dressing appropriately when addressing weather-related problems?

What, if anything, have you discovered about dressing appropriately when addressing political problems?

What, if anything, have you discovered about dressing appropriately when addressing economic problems?

Where and how do you usually seek answers to such questions?

Perhaps you regard questions about dress as irrelevant when responding to dangers, and responsibilities.

How do you usually identify and assess an agenda?

What is your current agenda, and why?

What have you already discovered about the agenda of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, and how did you discover it?

Perhaps you do not really regard the committee as of any relevance to your own agenda.

You have not yet defended the committee appropriately though there is no evidence to suggest you have sought to attack the committee, either.

Even so, all members of the committee will continue to treat you with the utmost caution.  They do not believe you have been paying attention properly.

What have you been doing instead, and why?

Perhaps you have been joking around too much.

Perhaps you have been spending too much time acquiring and spending money.

Perhaps you have been too engrossed in domestic activities rather than political ones.

You may have noticed that this is the first part of a digital document.

If you are seeking access to the second part, why do you believe you should be permitted to do so, and when, and for what purpose?

How have you already informed yourself about the flax of the matter?

Perhaps you are not interested in a play on words, or a playful approach to serious politics, or a history of pottery and poverty and politics and pleasantness.

How do you inform you approach to the future through an understanding of history, mythology, psychology, sociology and poetry?

Perhaps you regard your assessments of the future as equal to those of Cassandra, the Pythia, the Sibyls and other mythological figures.

Whether you do or not, what do you intend to do over the weeks ahead in relation to political and economic matters?

How do you define a matter as political?

How do you define a matter as economic?

How do you know you are capable of contributing successfully, in a peaceful way, to democracy and the revolution?

You may have been virtually visiting Villa Wikipedia and other online locations to assess information of possible relevance there.

How do you distinguish between information, innocent misinformation and dangerous disinformation?

How are you attempting to make the world a much better place than it would be without you?

Villa Wikipedia public domain images:

One  |  Two  |  Three  |  Four  |  Five  |  Six  |  Seven  |  Eight  |  Nine  |  Ten  |  Eleven  |  Twelve  |  Thirteen  |  Fourteen  |  Fifteen  |  Sixteen  |  Seventeen  |  Eighteen  |  Nineteen  |  Twenty  |  Twenty-One  |  Twenty-Two  |  Twenty-Three  |  Twenty-Four  |  Twenty-FiveTwenty-SixTwenty-Seven  |  Twenty-Eight  |  Twenty-Nine  |  Thirty

Villa Wikipedia philanthropic documents:

One  |  Two  |  Three  |  Four  |  Five  |  Six  |  Seven  |  Eight  |  NineTen  |  Eleven  |  Twelve  |  Thirteen  |  Fourteen  |  Fifteen  |  Sixteen  |  Seventeen  |  Eighteen  |  Nineteen  |  Twenty   |  Twenty-One  |  Twenty-Two  |  Twenty-Three  |  Twenty-Four  |  Twenty-FiveTwenty-Six  |  Twenty-Seven  |  Twenty-Eight   |  Twenty-Nine  |  Thirty
